With a modern lifestyle surrounded by temptation, Robert Clarke, a - TopicsExpress


With a modern lifestyle surrounded by temptation, Robert Clarke, a sales Director from Lincolnshire has undergone a dramatic weight loss of over six stone after a trip to Egypt which left him feeling unfit and overweight. Now, over 18 months on, Robert, 47, is reaping the benefits and not just in the general improvement of his health. Robert speaks, ‘After giving up smoking some years ago, I had noticed the weight pile on, however it wasn’t until my Holiday to Egypt in August 2011 that I realised that I needed to do something about it.’‘After struggling to fit into my seat on the aeroplane, I was mortified that when it came to the meal service I couldn’t put my tray down properly due to my stomach. It was then that I knew things needed to change.’After the holiday, Robert immediately joined the Lighterlife programme and never looked back. ‘I was determined, dedicated and no one could stop me. I decided to join LighterLife as it fitted in with my lifestyle – I was mentally prepared to lose the weight and never lost site the whole duration.’Being overweight affected my confidence, but it wasn’t until I had lost the weight that I realised just how different society treated me, I lost 6 stone in total and it feels great. I now get treated as an equal, being larger people treat you differently – now I shop where I like, and buy clothes that actually fit me and that I like! Before I was on the brink of getting clothes especially made just for me!’My partner Dene says he notices the difference too, sometimes he forgets that I’ve lost the weight and goes around looking for me in supermarkets as he doesn’t recognise me. It’s great to be able to take part in activities I would have never dreamt of too – this year on a holiday to Malta I scuba dived for the first time and it was fantastic. Before I would have never of even attempted it as you had to wear a tight fitting wet suit, but I did my first open water dive this year and it was an incredible feeling and I will be doing it again.’The response from people is great; so many people don’t recognise me. There have been occasions when I have had to introduce myself again to clients of 20 years as they didn’t know it was me! I am so pleased I decided to join the programme and the counselling element is really what got me though. I’ve been maintaining my weight loss for 10 months now and may go to a session just before Christmas just to keep myself on track not that I really needed but I do like to keep focused. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 09:25:43 +0000

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