With all the controversy going on in the news media and from very - TopicsExpress


With all the controversy going on in the news media and from very our own gossiping words, do we really understand what its like to be a police officer? My Dad is a twice retired officer who served on the streets to protect those who couldnt protect themselves. My sister is on the drug task force not because she is a bad ass, she took the job to help protect those trapped in a world where crime isnt something they can escape without help. I personally wanted more then anything to become an officer, but life took a different direction for me and though Im not an officer, I still hold a special place in my heart for the ones who are and give their lives to protect us. Before you take up a battle of words and bash on the peace keepers, just remember who it is you call when you need help. Do you truly think there is a 911 rescue fairy? Who doesnt feel the pain of the hurtful words spoken against them? Officers have dedicated their lives to serve! How about their families who sit on pins and needles daily with worry over the possibility their loved one might not make it home. The devil is a liar and when we as a body of people fail to support the very ones who give their lives for us, then who are we to call ourselves Christians? Before you judge, before you hang someone without knowing all the facts, refer to the word of God and see what our own creator above teaches us about government and law. Proverbs 8:15, 16 of the Bible, the inspired Word of God, says that governments should use wisdom to rule and to make laws that are just. Proverbs 17:7 says rulers also should not lie. Proverbs 20:26 says wise rulers always try to punish the wicked. Proverbs 28:2-4 and 29:4 urges rulers to maintain order justly, to follow God’s moral code and to avoid oppressing the poor. Furthermore, both Romans 13:3-6 and 1 Peter 2:13-15 say that government officials, whether elected or not, are ministers and servants of God who punish and restrain wrongdoers and who commend or praise those who do good works according to God’s transcendent moral code revealed in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. Government officials must do these things whether or not the people believe in God or the Bible. Officers go out daily to uphold laws we as the people have elected into place. Next time you see an officer, shake his/her hand and thank them for all the do. Teach your children to honor our police and show respect instead of teaching them to fear an officer. Where would our communities be without them? God in heaven, with all I am and with all I stand for.. I am asking you to protect the very men and women who risk their lives to protect my family and I. I pray others will wake up to the realization of who truly is the enemy and start putting their powers into making positive changes instead of laying around causing controversy. Lord, let us all understand who the real peacemakers are.. Amen!!!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:36:16 +0000

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