With all the protests going on around the world against the - TopicsExpress


With all the protests going on around the world against the attacks in Gaza and the Israeli government decides to step up its offence. It does rather beg the question wether the world should be finding a more proactive way of making a difference collectively. Not saying protesting is wrong. Its just a primitive means. Speaking of primitive. HAMAS and their outdated strategy of dealing with war. Lets keep firing useless rockets into Israel. Lets give Israel every excuse to continue their ridiculous offence against the country, its not like Israel heavily influences the media, its not like they are masters of intricate manipulation and propaganda with their clean cut well spoken trust worthy representatives all over the news talking in a soothing, soft and trustworthy manner, killing thousands of innocence and displacing millions. If Hamas had any regard for their people they would lay down their arms and dismantle the whole Hamas party. They dont have the manner, intelligence, organisation, credibility or reputation to even begin to try and deal with this situation. The root of the problem is on both sides. It just so happens that one side is inferior to the other. Hamas are labeled as a terrorist organisation. True or not their reputation is tarnished. Why are they still there? How many politicians have been accused of a scandal where they have had to resign, be it true or not. I say have a elected palestinian government from the people that are willing to negotiate with Israel in a civilised intelligent manner and work on a deal to unify the two nations in a one state solution. Even if it means giving all the palestinian land to Israel in exchange for the palestinian people to live in peace together with the Israelis. All one passport and all treated equilly. Who cares what the land is labeled as. Why might you ask. Why should Palestine give in to such a Tyrant that is the Israeli government? Lets be honest here and take all our Arab egos out of this. Israel is a great country with a great people. They are one of the most developed, one of the most educated one of the most intuitive countries in the world. The Jewish religion is very similar to the Muslim religion, they hold similar values and have similar beliefs. Yes the Israeli government is heavily influenced by Zionists that believe in their cause and will do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals. If its land they want then its land they can have as long as they can treat Israelis, Palestinians, Jews and Muslims equally and give them all an opportunity to coexist in a peaceful manner. The same way Salahuddin Ayyubi allowed Jews, Christians and Muslims to all live peacefully within one united community. Its over. Israel has won this battle. Time to give in. You cant fight fire with fire. Lets live peacefully and be united once and for all. Nothing is worth the life of innocent people, Jewish, Christian, Muslims or any other religion. Not Land, Not money, Not power. So for all of you that insist on posting articles, videos and images of the war. Growing hatred and anger within each other. How about we all take some initiative using our intelligence, ingenuity, some innovative creativity and find a way of making a difference in a peaceful manner. End the killing. Lifes too short to bicker
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:22:16 +0000

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