With all this talk of how apprentices should behave towards their - TopicsExpress


With all this talk of how apprentices should behave towards their mentors I think we need to talk about how mentors should act towards their apprentices in the modern world. I have had very few good bosses in my working life and feel training needs to be undertaken in this regard before talking an apprentice. 1: respect is a two way street. If you dont respect you apprentice you cant expect it to be returned. 2: Just because you were treated badly as a trainee does not mean its the right approach. 2: Good work or good effort need recondition. Its surprising how a little praise and appreciation can boost someones confidence. 3: You are not a slave master. Share in the shit jobs and dont just dump them on you apprentice. You are a team, dont for get it. 4: Make time to encourage your apprentice to grow as a maker, problem solver and designer. It will benefit your business in the long run. 5: remember no one stays working for an asshole for long. If you want to benefit from your investment of your time in an apprentice, you will have to make them want to continue to work for you past a year or two. Im sure there are a lot of you that will want to add to this list. Please feel free.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 13:02:15 +0000

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