With everything that has been going on I have forgotten to thank - TopicsExpress


With everything that has been going on I have forgotten to thank one very important person who, without her help, the website would not have been possible: my mother. In 2009 I called her and asked her for a loan for my website because I didnt have two pennies to rub together. Every cent we made went back into the store. And she loaned it to me. I hated having to borrow money from anyone so I promised her I would pay her back within 6 months of the website launching. I did it in four. But without her help and that loan, my website would not exist. And not only that but she stayed up here when I first opened and painted and priced jewelry and tagged to the last second until we opened. Then when Robert was born and I was freaking out she stayed and helped me manage my business, my son and my husband in law school. And where do I get my seemingly endless energy and need for perfection? My mother! I often talk about daddy, because his absence is a void in my life. But momma, Diana Covington Johnson you are never forgotten nor do I ever forget everything you have done for me. And I love you more than you know.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 01:44:21 +0000

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