With less than 48 hours left to go until the referendum, Ive got - TopicsExpress


With less than 48 hours left to go until the referendum, Ive got to get my bit in- for anyone still undecided or unsure about their vote... I realize that some people are reluctant to commit to a Yes vote as they are uncertain of the future that this may bring to Scotland. Fear of the unknown is understandable but please do not be put off by this! An independent Scotland means a better and more prosperous future for all Scottish people. This is the closest that we have ever been to realistically achieving independence and is the one chance we will have to escape the corrupt Westminister government and build our own new government, one based on social justice and equality. The alternative is continuing down the path we are on- towards increasing Conservatism, anti- EU feeling, austerity and privatization of public services. Please do not be fooled into believing the desperate, last minute empty promises of the likes of David Ccameron regarding devolution and more powers for Scotland in the event of a No vote. Common sense tells us that those currently in power will say anything to serve their own interests and keep the current status quo which works in their favour. As happened the last time a referendum was held, promises of more powers will never materialize and it would be unforgivably foolish to fall for the same lies twice. For those considering a No vote thinking that to do so will mean no changes, please reconsider! Overall, the whole UK is already well on its way to change- and not the positive, progressive type! More public services are set to be privatized, the NHS will soon follow the likes of the postal service. More austerity and cuts to public service funding are on their way, by the admission of the government themselves. Some of the most vulnerable people in society, for example, people with disabilities, have already been hit hard and levels of poverty are ridiculously high for a country with so much wealth and resources. Surely this alone is reason enough to vote to leave the system of government which had caused, allowed and imposed these? Add to all of this the fact that in recent weeks there have been calls from England (from both some politicians and some members of the public) to cut funding in Scotland and talk of punishing Scotland for daring to ask for our independence! It becomes apparent to myself and many others that the hard times faced by many Scottish people are only going to get worse unless we all stand up and say Yes to radical change, Yes to a fresh start and YES to Independence!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 21:22:27 +0000

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