With long life will I satisfy him Psalm 91:16 (KJV) With long - TopicsExpress


With long life will I satisfy him Psalm 91:16 (KJV) With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. (GW) I will satisfy you with a long life. I will show you how I will save you. (TLB) I will satisfy him with a full life and give him my salvation. (MSG) Ill give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation! Literally, With length of days will I fill him up. He shall neither live a useless life, nor die before his time. He shall live happy and die happy. For he is content with that life that God gives for by death the shortness of this life is recompensed with immortality. In this world: the saints live in it as long as they choose to live; and when they come to die, be it when it will, they are, like Abraham, full of years, or satisfied with them; they have had enough of them, and would not live always here; but, with good old Simeon, desire to depart in peace; and in the other world they shall be satisfied with length of days, forever and ever, even with eternal life; and nothing short of this will satisfy a good man The man described in this Psalm fills out the measure of his days, and whether he dies young or old he is quite satisfied with life, and is content to leave it. He shall rise from lifes banquet as a man who has had enough, and would not have more even if he could. The margin here, is “length of days;” that is, days lengthened out or multiplied. The meaning is, I will give him length of days as he desires, or until he is satisfied with life; implying (1) that it is natural to desire long life; (2) that long life is to be regarded as a blessing (Proverbs 3:2, 3:16; Exodus 20:12); (3) that the tendency of religion is to lengthen out life; since virtue, temperance, regular industry, calmness of mind, moderation in all things, freedom from excesses in eating and in drinking - to all of which religion prompts - contribute to health, and to length of days (Psalm 34:12-14, 37:9; 55:23); (4) that a time will come, even under this promised blessing of length of days, when a man will be “satisfied” with living; when he will have no strong desire to live longer; when, under the infirmities of advanced years, and under his lonely feelings from the fact that his early friends have fallen, and under the influence of a bright hope of heaven, he will feel that he has had enough of life here, and that it is better to depart to another world. They shall live long enough: they shall be continued in this world till they have done the work they were sent into this world for and are ready for heaven, and that is long enough. Who would wish to live a day longer than God has some work to do, either by him or upon him? They shall think it long enough; for God by his grace shall wean them from the world and make them willing to leave it. A man may die young, and yet die full of days, satisfied with living. A wicked worldly man is not satisfied, no, not with long life; he still cries, Give, give. But he that has his treasure and heart in another world has soon enough of this; he would not live always SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Psalm 21:4; Genesis 25:8; Job 5:26; Proverbs 3:2, 3:16, 22:4; Isaiah 65:20-22
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 08:21:07 +0000

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