Woman of God...we may not be able to control anything else in our - TopicsExpress


Woman of God...we may not be able to control anything else in our lives...but we can control where we allow our minds to wander! Sometimes a situation can throws us a curve...lets get real...when that happens its easy to abandon our control & go to our “favorite bad feeling.” You know...that feeling you went to as a child because you learned that it helped you get what you wanted! Once you are a grown women...youll find that it is the first place your mind rushes when there is something troubling on your mental radar screen. Me...I cry...others pout...sleep...some eat chocolate or go shopping...some withdraw or slam doors...others clean house or go for a walk. You fill in your own favorite bad feeling! Do you realize that you don’t have to respond that way? Its a choice you make & you can choose not to go there! Circumstances can change with the wind... but how you react to the circumstance doesnt have too! How you react is your choice...its not up to anyone else in your life. Peace is the result of choosing to focus your mind on what is true & honorable & right. When you choose to do that...its amazing how much peace will overtake your mind & calm your heart. Finally...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 12:22:19 +0000

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