Words? Who wrote our words and explain how wise one word really - TopicsExpress


Words? Who wrote our words and explain how wise one word really is. Just like the bible. It the Words and the words became God.. now back that teacher in a chair and sit sat an a toilet seat like Satan once did until the Mad madevil realized the buttan was because of the satanpissnshit. Say Tan and you better be tan not sunburntan like sun of Satan.well just like to add before theme them become Hem a layath chemical C. I mean hem a layath chemical me to UFoRCe use the force ufo G. I like to thank a few people whom Ive never spoken to but assume will remind me why they are called by their names. Like where the hell did tinkerbell learn to think or spell. To all wise preachers for reminding me to appreciated everybody that have had an impact impact in my life. Appreiciate anybody who teaches you truif of wisdom. Appreacher Approaches people with sincere smile and understanding. So a preacher also reaches out and begins assisting those who need help.And to our most infamous Pastyour who will ask over and over did you stay up past your bedtime again. Yes Im up looking to put an f on top of up so I can ufol like theres a ufo. Anyways. Back to looking for the lost and last Gods wonder theres afog full of words. Like What means hat .wise the w a hat. Because its a royal crown. Now put Eon top os Sand r under A. Its now an ear. The crown now goes on top of ear. Which now spell wear. So who what or wear does crown belongs to.EARTH WE ARTHUR THIS . MICHEAR THEVERYTHING OR THE VERY THIN GESUS
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 07:49:19 +0000

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