Words of the LORD: “There is great darkness coming over the - TopicsExpress


Words of the LORD: “There is great darkness coming over the earth, darkness brought on by whole-hearted rejection of GOD.” (Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, January 17, 2014) Children, it is I, your GOD. I am standing before you with MY Arms open wide. I have nothing but love for you who keep to MY Commandments and follow MY Precepts. I am a GOD of rules and order. Very few want to accept this and disregard the rules of MY Book and the clear pathway laid out before them. Sin is sin. The sin of this world has reached an “all-time” high. It is so thick and so deep that mankind has moved into a new era of depravity. When will it all stop? Not before I return on MY white steed to vanquish evil with the sword of MY Mouth. The world is a stench to MY Holiness. It does not want MY Truth and all that I stand for. It wants that which MY enemy sets out for it to consume. The world has engaged in the worst kind of evil and it is not slowing down. I represent purity and all that comes from a pure, faithful heart. I am faithful to those who pursue ME. I do not go back on MY Promises: for those who draw near ME, I will draw near them. When I, GOD make a promise, I, GOD keep it. This world is full of promise-breakers. Soon those who trample MY Good Words and Good Name will know what they have done. All will be laid out when it comes time to stand before ME. I am ready to bring out MY bride from these evil doers and those who trample MY ways. This evil people and those who cast lots with evil will remain behind to suffer the price of rebellion to a Holy GOD. There is great darkness coming over the earth, darkness brought on by whole-hearted rejection of GOD, WHO represents Truth and the Kingdom of Righteousness. Stand firm MY children: those who pursue MY Will and follow close behind ME. You will not be disappointed in your choosing of ME and MY Ways. Your path will be made straight and your way made clear. There is much waiting for you in MY heavenlies: beauty, pleasure, love, and an environment of purity. This is MY gift for MY devoted followers: MY bride who loves ME despite her persecution and the heavy cross burden she bears for ME. All will be worth it in the long run which is sooner than you think. Please put your focus on ME now. Stop choosing against ME for this dark world. There will be no rewards for those in the next life who love evil in this life—only eternal loss, torment, disgrace, torture, and endless darkness. This is the plight of those who reject their GOD. Come out from among them. Turn back to your GOD—find peace, wholeness, and happiness right in the midst of an evil world. It can be yours if you lay your life down at MY feet, repent of your sin and evil, turn your will and future plans over to MY Perfect Will and Plans for your life. Walk with ME and I will lead you to streams of living water. This is MY Promise. I am coming sooner than you think. Be on guard. This is your LORD and SAVIOR—I am the LILY OF THE VALLEY—THE BRIGHT AND SHINING STAR Coordinating Scripture: John 14:21 (KJV): He that hath MY commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth ME: and he that loveth ME shall be loved of MY FATHER, and I will love him, and will manifest MYSELF to him. Revelation 19:11 (KJV): And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and HE that sat upon him was called FAITHFUL and TRUE, and in righteousness HE doth judge and make war. Revelation 19:15 (KJV): And out of HIS Mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it HE should smite the nations: and HE shall rule them with a rod of iron: and HE treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty GOD. youtube/watch?v=j78YYb21yKI&feature=youtu.be
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 18:50:45 +0000

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