World War III World War III World War III World War III World War - TopicsExpress


World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III World War III Anyone who TRULY knows a little about me has heard me speak on this for years - World War II starts on the Korean peninsula. Ive said this going on two decades. First you have to put your thinking caps on. Preemptive strike on the heartland has just occurred but they wont call it that. 1. Are corporations considered entities as a matter of law? 2. Did we just call out a foreign nation for an attack on an American entity? 3. Is said nation an enemy to America (part of the Axis of Evil) and responsible for state sanctioned terror attacks? 4. Has said enemy stated publicly they could strike us here at home? 5 Does there have to be mass death and casualties for the American people to consider how vulnerable we are to cyber attacks and this is why its not being labeled an act of war against America when an American entity is attacked? 6. Do you know what cyber warfare is? 7. Did you know that if you live within 100 miles of a nuclear reactor that radioactive fallout can still kill you? 8. Are you aware that in 2009 the USA and Israel launched the Stuxnet virus on Irans (part of Axis of evil) Nuclear power plants crippling the centrifuges and causing them to run out of control. 9. Are you aware that by law NATO considered the 2009 cyber attack an act of FORCE which means we fired the first shots discovered and made public in an ongoing CYBER WARFARE against our enemies who have now shown they have the capability to fight back? 10. Do you think if our electricity system was attacked, our water system was attacked, our banking and ATM system was attacked that it would lead to large scale conventional and possible nuclear war? Path to World War 3 is easy to follow if you follow the money: China and Russia are buying tons of Gold in an attempt to destabilize the American dollar - The Ruble (Russian currency) is collapsing because of the American paper dollar and they desire to change currency to a more stable form to prop up their economy. Therefore, Iranian oil purchased with gold and not the dollar will hurt the USA. NOW YOU KNOW THE KEY PLAYERS AND A LITTLE OF THE MOTIVATION. North Korea has attacked the USA. It is a gnat with a big stinger called China and theyve shown their capabilities are on par with USA 2009 attack. North Korean crazies are feeling themselves with Chinese cyber steroids and decides to attack our ally South Korea. NATO alliance kicks in and we defend South Korea which puts us at war with China (see korean war and who we ACTUALLY were fighting), Japan is attacked by North Korea or China. Israel attacks Iran preemptively because they know of the capabilities of Irans friends and that those friends want to destroy Israel. Russian economy is dependent on Iran and Russia responds with declaration of war on Israel which put USA at war now against 2 members of NATO - NATO fractures and Indian and Pakistan both nuclear powers declare war although their war never stopped in the first place now they have allies I COULD GO ON BUT YOU SEE THE BIG PICTURE - WE HAVE BEEN IN THE END GAME - END TIMES for a while - Kim Jun Un is crazier than his dad - Vladimir Putin has his George Bush bravado/swag going - AND NOW THE WAR MONGERING CONSERVATIVES HAVE CONTROL OF BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS WHICH COINCIDENTALLY HAS THE ABILITY TO DECLARE WAR!!!! Jesus is the only answer and the way to salvation - Accept him now as your lord and savior - pray for your salvation - The saved will not suffer the tribulation but the tribulation is coming - We dont know when but we do know this whether you believe in God or not - THIS CHAOTIC CRAZY WORLD WHERE WE MOVE TOWARD MARTIAL LAW AND CITIZENS GET ANGRY ENOUGH TO MURDER THE MU8RDEROUS POLICE, RACIAL TENSION AT AN ALL TIME HIGH - NEIGHBOR AGAINST NEIGHBOR, BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER, MOTHER AGAINST DAUGHTER, FATHER AGAINST SON, THAT A FLASH POINT WILL OCCUR IN NATURE AND THE FIGHTING WILL BE REALIZED EVERYWHERE, THE LOOTING, THE RIOTING, THE DESTRUCTION WILL SPREAD BEYOND CITY WALLS INTO SUBURBIA AND NATIONWIDE AS SUPER POWERS SECRETLY TRY TO DESTROY ONE ANOTHER UNTIL ONE SIDE STARTS TO LOSE BIG AND THEN ANOTHER FLASH POINT WILL OCCUR IN NATURE AND THE WAR WILL MOVE OUT OF CYBERSPACE INTO REAL SPACE. If you dont know God, now might be a good time to accept him through Jesus. Acknowledge your sin and know that he died so that you will have everlasting life. WHY AM I POSTING THIS NOW? I DONT KNOW. MY ENTIRE LIFE I BELIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS LED ME AND COVERED ME AND MY FAMILY - I JUST DO WHAT THE SPIRIT LEADS ME TO DO AND HOPE THAT I REACHED WHO NEEDED TO BE REACHED.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:08:07 +0000

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