Wow, Heres another Thyroid story, They just keep getting better - TopicsExpress


Wow, Heres another Thyroid story, They just keep getting better and better!!!!! Whitneys Story~I wasnt going to post my results update until my birthday (next Wednesday) because it will be a whole 2 months that I have been on my journey with Plexus. Instead, its the new year and new beginnings, so why not share what is going on with me, at this moment! In the last 2 months, a lot of things have happened! Stress wise, oh my goodness! I would go all spastic and freak out, but not this chick anymore!! Chilled and why? Plexus! One word, one company that I was truly blessed to find! I have a thyroid issue, post menopausal (guessing post), was depressed, had major anxiety, acid reflux, sinus problems, brain fog, ringing in the ears, flaky skin, major circulation problems in my legs, toe fungus that would flair up (just the one toe), heels like brillo pads, losing my hair (bigtime), and major back and shoulder pain! I didnt prepare for this update, so there are more issues, Im sure, that I forgot about, but these issues are enough, dont you think? Trying to not make this too long, but let me say this: As women, or maybe its just me, we tend to make light of how we are feeling. I joke and laugh things off, and on the inside, I feel defeated! Tend to want please everyone, and feel like its my fault that someone is having a bad day or its my fault that something didnt work or guilty if I have to say no! Wearing myself thin! Then, if I snapped, I was given that look! We believe we arent suppose to be who we are, so we take on everything, and guess what happens? We settle! Yep, settle! Settle in our health, feelings, relationships, etc. It is crazy, and shouldnt even happen! I have cried so many tears, I cant even count them! NO MORE! Plexus has allowed me to be happy! I like who I am now! Why? Lets see! I am getting healthy, no more sinus problems, no ringing in the ears, my hair is growing in places it hasnt in 28 years, my skin is clearing up, no more flaky skin, no more back or shoulder pain, no problems with the circulation in my legs! Off my reflux medicine, the depression meds and anxiety meds and sinus meds, also! I am happy, sleeping, toe fungus under control, and hormones are getting balanced! My heels have not been smooth in many years!! I have energy, so I started walking! So, with this said, WHAT IF you tried this, and you felt #amazing like I do? It is so much more than weight loss, but losing inches is great!! NO MORE soda either Happy girl! the picture of me with the pjs, they are the ones that fell that day in the kitchen, lol!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 02:32:18 +0000

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