Wow. You read that Washington apple growers had to pay convicts - TopicsExpress


Wow. You read that Washington apple growers had to pay convicts $22/hr to pick last years crop for lack of workers. All the while taxpayers were giving millions in welfare and unemployment money to thousands of Washingtonians ... free! Now New Mexico chile farmers are losing market because they cant get enough labor to pick the crop, all the while their state is paying out millions in free welfare and unemployment money to thousands of New Mexicans to sit on their butts and watch TV. This is the common scenario all over the west; its liberal insanity and thats the worst and most destructive kind. It draws illegal aliens, whom were paying billions to keep out, to work where we pay Americans not to work, also using working Americans hard earned, tax extorted money. Absolutely unacceptable government negligence. Insanity by any definition. Government needs to set up work camps all over, each with a child care center, security and a school staffed by people on welfare or unemployment, where qualified. Everyone else on welfare or unemployment should have to report to these work camps and put in a forty hour work week, fifty weeks a year, for minimum wage in order to draw a dime of dole. Anyone on the dole - white collar, blue collar or no collar - remotely able-bodied who doesnt report and work should be cut off all social benefits until they work that forty hour week. Oh ... and if you flunk a weekly drug test given when you get your check, guess what, you just worked a week for free. Sound tough, even cruel? Dont like hard work? Who cares? Pay attention: Thats NOT government money youre taking. No. Goverment neither earns nor has its own money. You on the dole are taking money - billions of dollars constantly - from taxpayers - working people - whore spending enormous amounts of the finite hours of their lives working hard for it. They earned it and they need it badly themselves for their lives and their dreams and their kids. Thats their sweat, blood and limited breaths youre taking, their kids futures youre sucking away - free! THATs tough. THATs cruel. So get busy at least contributing to your support. Welfare/unemployment has become a multi-generational career for millions of Americans and thats not just morally corrupt, its social and economic suicide. Our lunatic welfare/unemployment system demands a far more productive use of the taxpayer dole money and a far more severe incentive for recipients to get back to work and stop having kids they cant support.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 21:05:17 +0000

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