Wow, has life been crazy for us! As is normal( well, not normal in - TopicsExpress


Wow, has life been crazy for us! As is normal( well, not normal in a good way) this time of year brings serious changes in our life which brings massive anxiety for me. Im also fairly certain that a little 4 year old I love beyond words can sense where mama is at and it makes behaviors worse... Sigh. But weve had some good days. Weve has some awful days. Days where I go... This stopped in March. Were backslidjng* insert panic here*. My life in many ways has seen major changes. Changes at work, church, and home have really compiled on me and its almost too much, even the good stuff. Tonight after my lovely husband left for work I sat on my couch and cried for a while. Im not sure why, not even a little bit. I cant tell you if they were happy or sad tears, just a mix of overwhelming emotions. And then I got it, just a little more, what gray must feel like mid meltdown. When he doesnt even know why hes crying. Why he can go from having the BEST time to completely overwhelmed and shut down in 3 seconds flat. But heres something fun to share. My husband cannot keep secrets. Like, at all. Long story short, he wanted to get my opinions on jewelry for a 10 year anniversary gift he was planning. Then he sent me to the car so he could get a jamba juice. Needless to say, he cant lie to me( total good thing!) and I have a 46 day early beautiful anniversary gift. Someone clue him in that he should start planning a surprise anniversary getaway ;) * seen here is my gorgeous ring and a couple fun picture of our last beach vacation before school also featuring our lovely exchange daughter, Alisa.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 06:20:20 +0000

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