Wow its been a while since i have posted on here but thinking - TopicsExpress


Wow its been a while since i have posted on here but thinking about it now so I dont spam up the LoL group we have with my stupid game theory i will post it here. So here is the thing. ADC is on of my most prevalent roles and while im not exactly a great adc I like to think I am improving. While up until base gold tier you can survive on basic kiting and positioning to quickly kill enemies in a fight but eventually you get teams are going to start closing in on you from multiple angles during teamfights. As a whole I would assume to push the entire 5 man team forward into the group that is easiest to hit if you see the enemies trying to flank. Most teams initiators and tanks will push into the 3 enemies they have in front of them and almost disregard the 2 behind them which in my opinion is not a bad choice if your adc can A. escape or B. outplay some fools. But this is where basic positioning doesnt work completely. You are behind your team when the flank is coming and you are now right out in the open so what is your choice. most peoples gut instinct is to run back into the tower. Which can work but now your team is 1 dps short in a teamfight and the enemies will have all of theirs unless your ap mid blew up the smaller group with the initiators/tanks who moved forward. They have easily zoned you from the fight and even if you keep attacking the closest enemies you are definitely not focusing the same group of people. The correct step I think to have taken would have been to move forward into the smaller group of enemies with your team so for about 3-4 seconds while the flank is trying to regroup you have a 3v5 on your hands which might just be enough time to kill 1-2 of the enemies considering the heavy hitter is now positioned to hurt them. Even with a bit of your teams cds blown you still have a full team with decent health to combat the remains of the enemy team. For somebody like jinx who has no movespeed bonus or dash without first achieving a kill you have to make this play because running backwards you are bound to take damage from the flank if not getting stunned/slowed in the process killing any chance of escape. Trying to backtrack isnt as easy as it sounds so sometimes you should push forward anyway. Considering the sick amount of dps jinx deals you have to be in those teamfights. Even if you kill 2-3 and die you still killed quite a large portion of their team and most likely their dps and the rest of your team should be able to finish things off. I think the realization that running back is not my only option will open me up to better plays and overall gameplay.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 08:57:05 +0000

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