Wow, where do I begin. Well first let me start by saying that - TopicsExpress


Wow, where do I begin. Well first let me start by saying that those of you that know me know that I don’t or wouldn’t use a social media such as Facebook to post my personal feelings/opinions about a group or individual unless I’m mad. Well guess what I’m PISSED!!!!!! That being said I will not hold back, especially when it affects the ones I care about, my family. I was informed over the weekend that my husband Matt will not be coaching soccer this year, which means not coaching our daughter, Jordan. Apparently there are not enough girls that have signed up to support the makings of three U13 Girls teams to play in CYSL recreational soccer. So he was not chosen as one of the coaches. This is a man who has put in over 14 years of coaching recreational soccer, has dedicated his spare time to serving on the board of directors for CYSL in two different positions, the last one being President, before he resigned! I have to say that I am so disappointed with this board (not all members, you know who you are). It’s not just their decision to not ask Matt to coach, but the way they decided on choosing the other coach over Matt and not to mention the other problems and believe me there are some, which have not been handled, but rather pushed aside in the hopes that these problems will be forgotten or just disappear. But this is the icing on the cake and I will no longer stand by and not speak my peace. Not only are you, CYSL BOARD, responsible for snuffing out the light that was in my daughter to play soccer, but in Matt as well to ever have anything to do with this league and really I can’t say I blame him one bit! Unfortunately, some CYSL board members have made it their agenda to make the board and this league about them rather than about the kids. When Matt was on the board, especially as President he put up with more than his fair share of problems. But being the person that he is he stuck it out and listened to the complaints and tried to make things better and work it all out. But it was only when there were verbal accusations by another board member did he then call it quits and resign. And since his resignation more problems have occurred and I feel not handled properly! Matt did not leave the board easily, he was not ready to leave and felt his work was not finished there. But because of a few rotten apples (really I would use other choice words, but I don’t want my post deleted from Facebook) he felt the constant headaches were just not worth the bomb that was thrown into our families life. The sad part is Matt is all about soccer and has always been about wanting to do this for the kids, to make sure that the kids he coached had a good time as well as learn something about the sport. Well guess what CYSL you’ve once again accomplished to screw him over!!!!! You know who you are. Your reason for selecting the other coach being based on him having more personal requests than Matt and that his application was received first is a bunch of CRAP! Really, that’s how coaches for this league are being selected? I believe this to be just a bunch of BS and just another vindictive attack on my husband, Matt. I say these things not just for myself, but for what you’ve done to Matt and now our daughter Jordan! I feel that Matt along with the help of others that have become our friends have coached many kids in the past that have become better soccer players, but not just that, but better kids as well. It is because of his ability to work well with kids that I pushed him into coaching over 14 years ago and not just stand on the sidelines. I somewhat feel responsible for pushing him into this. I figured since he couldn’t play soccer anymore why not help teach it and personally I feel he did a damn good job. It’s truly a sad day when you witness the light dimming from someone’s passion. I do not wish this on anyone of you! I have always felt it was a mistake to get involved with CYSL Board, but Matt kept telling me it would be a good thing for him to contribute and help out and to see this league move in a different direction. I eventually agreed to him joining the board, and move in a different direction it did. But it became more of a headache later on for him and not fun anymore! To those CYSL Board members past and present that have always had my husband’s back, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! And that is what is on my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 07:37:15 +0000

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