Writing: Motivation, Patience, & Craziness Writing isn’t the - TopicsExpress


Writing: Motivation, Patience, & Craziness Writing isn’t the easy task some people make it out to be. Writing is about more than just sitting down and typing words, very quickly, into a blank document on your computer, or chicken scratching words onto a blank piece of paper. If that’s all it takes to be a writer, then we would all have tons of books under our belts. But the truth is, sometimes there are books that get finished, and there are books that never make it past the idea stage. So, what gets a book from your imagination, to something solid like a piece of paper, or your computer? Honestly, that all depends on you. But what I can offer are three pointers that I think are important when it comes to writing: Motivation, Patience, and a hint of Craziness. I don’t know about you, but when I write, I tend to become crazy focused. I forget everything around me, I snap at anyone who interrupts me, and I can’t stop thinking of ways to move the story along. So, how can these three points relate to you and your writing, or lack thereof (Writer’s block blows)? Well, other than my confession about my crazy single-mindedness when I’m writing, you might see these points as: Motivation: I have stressed this so many times, but hey, I’m going to stress it again—you need to sit down and just write. Write a single word, sentence, or paragraph. Get your juices flowing, because to be honest, only you can start writing that story burning in your mind. Writing every day usually gets you going, but a famous author once mentioned that weekends off is a nice luxury to take on after a week-long writing binge. Patience: So you wrote only 10, 500, 2,000 words today. At least you wrote. Don’t rush the story simply because you want to finish it. Be true to your story, have patience with your talent; all good things come to those who wait, right? Plan if you have to, let the story grow in your mind, and even if you only have thirty minutes to write per day, at least you’re writing. Craziness: Think about it—you’re putting your heart out there with every word you write. If you consider it, so much of what a writer writes comes from his/her own experiences and emotions. So, disregard people who may give you weird stares when you tell them that you want to be a writer—you’re one brave soul. And if that makes you crazy, then whatever. You’ve got talent, use it. If you wait for that elusive muse to come and stir your writing muscles, then all the power to you. But sometimes you have to motivate yourself, be patient with your creativity, and adopt a bit of the craziness that comes with being an author. You’re a writer, be proud of it. Happy writing!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 01:58:04 +0000

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