Wussup, folks... I need to address something... If you know that - TopicsExpress


Wussup, folks... I need to address something... If you know that you have changed (for the better) dont beat yourself up for the mistakes that youve made. Dont beat yourself up for the people youve hurt...go back and make it right with God and them. If they dont forgive you, shake it off, as much as it hurts. Put more energy into whether God forgives you it not! Ill be very transparent with you guys... A few days before Christmas, my brothers wife & I fell out because she came at me REAL crazy like. She caught me on a day when my tolerance wasnt as strong as its become & the old Dana surfaced. I went HAM on her...Ive always been a person where Im like...dont start none & it wont be none...yall, THAT WAY OF THINKING DONT GET YOU TOO FAR, however, I wasnt about to be bullied, dawg! (Lol! Lbvs) Anhwho, now...me & my brothers relationship isnt anywhere NEAR the same. I looked at him like a father. Not anymore. Like some of you, I even went back & tried to make things right... No happs, man. So...I was upset with myself...then morning came & I woke up (wrapping may endure for a night...GLOWRAY!) Im human! If people wanna hold grudges, LET EM! Like I told yall last night, YOU ARE A GREAT PERSON! I dont care whether its family or not, MOVE FORWARD WITH WHOEVER GOD PLACES IN YOUR LIFE! No conditions in love! Patience in love! This is just for you, if you laid eyes on it! & to all of you who through stone & live in glass houses, QUIT IT! Stay out of the kitchen if you cant take the heat! In every situation, there should be a lesson, DONT BEAT YOURSELF UP, tho! Get in the habit of praying and thinking before you react, tho! Dont ever think that your life will be perfect, JUST because youve given it to The Lord! Every day, The Lord will throw some kind of test your way! Just dont allow the enemy to make you fail! IM ROOTING FOR YOU, MY FB FRIENDS! #WE GOT THIS! #MidDayEncouragement!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:17:32 +0000

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