Wyatt Goodwin What if George Bush had said that?? For 8 years or - TopicsExpress


Wyatt Goodwin What if George Bush had said that?? For 8 years or more we were forced to listen to the “Left” make George Bush seem like a dummy because of some slip of the tongue and the Media pounced on it. They made President Bush seem like a person would have a tough time making it through 1st Grade. That same media lets Obama get away with one major faux pas, after another and say nothing. So I don’t mind stepping up and pointing them out. The other night, while Obama was gracing us with his 6th visit to Jay Leno’s,” Tonight Show”, he made another rather significant verbal blunder. Like when he told us there were 57 States, or his immortal pronunciation of “Navy Corpse man” (His pronunciation of Corpsman, not once but several times). Well, Tuesday on the “Tonight Show”, while Obama was giving Jay Leno and us a lesson in World Trade; he was explaining why the Panama Canal was being widened to accommodate the New Super Freighters and Tankers. He then proceeded to describe how our Ports needed to deepened to oblige these bigger ships…”especially on the Gulf Coast in Ports such as Charleston, South Carolina; Savannah, Georgia and Jacksonville, Florida.” Gee Obama, none of those Ports are anywhere close to the Gulf. Yet I must admit he did sound like he knew what he was talking about. Even though all of those Ports he mentioned are on the Atlantic Coast and far removed from the Gulf! So the press just let it slide. Ask yourself what you think the Press would have to say about it, if the remarks had been made by George Bush? By Wyatt Goodwin 8-12-13
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 17:02:06 +0000

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