X-Posted from my PERSONAL Facebook Page - vicki.pettersson.9 - TopicsExpress


X-Posted from my PERSONAL Facebook Page - vicki.pettersson.9 (which you should really consider joining. Why? Read on...) I have a ton of new Friendlies on this page so I want to take a minute to thank you for Friending me (it’s an action word!) and give you a little info on what goes on here (hint: I can see you) and where else I can be found on the Internet. I need to mention my website first: vickipettersson. I have just redesigned it with help from my longtime designer, austindesignworks (okay, truth is ADW redesigned it with minimal help from me; I have no desire to know what’s in the sausage so basically I said, “Read my mind and make it work,” and they did). I gave them a professional recommendation, which can be found on their site, but since we’re more informal here I’ll just say: if you’re ever in need of a website designer who actually listens, thinks, completes work quickly and efficiently, and does all of it at a great price, contact them. I love them. So take a peek and let me know what you think of the redesign (unless you hate it, then stay silent cuz I’m not changing it!) and for your efforts … I’ve left you a little gift on the homepage. You should see it immediately, and I’ll be talking more about it in the next few weeks, but for now here’s a hint: Zodiac. Of course, newsletter subscribers always get my big news first so that’s the best place for the very busy (that’s you) to stay up to date. Sign up on my homepage and I’ll hit your inbox with news, contests, events and giveaways—though only when there’s actually something to say. Pinky promise. I’m on Twitter at: @VickiPettersson but that’s more for you than me. If that’s how you like to communicate, I always tweet back, but I’m certainly more chatty here, so you’re in the right place. I have Pinterest, but don’t bother. I don’t use it the way I’m supposed to and when I do I get distracted by the “Oh! Shiiiiny!” If you ever want signed copies of my books, try Murder By the Book in Houston or Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego. Magnificent indie bookstores with people who know and love books. (murderbooks and mystgalaxy respectively.) Finally, and most importantly, since we are friends on my personal page, please remember I can now SEE YOU. Frankly, I love this. I’m putting faces to the names of longtime readers, actually getting to know new ones, and spying er, being social—mostly on my lunch breaks. So please don’t freak out if I comment on your baby photos and your crosslinks and your cute new hairdos. I’ve freaked a couple of readers-turned-friends out that way and while it’s exceedingly fun for me (I have the power—bwah-hahahaha!) I can see how this might be disconcerting when unexpected. So…expect it. ;) That’s all!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 17:26:27 +0000

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