YESTERDAY,tulikuwa na my grandfather n we sat down near a banana - TopicsExpress


YESTERDAY,tulikuwa na my grandfather n we sat down near a banana which was so good,n he said to me,"wat do u see over there?"i told him,one healthy shooting leaf,onother leaves which were fading n two leaves which are dry.HE asked me wat do we call a shooting leaf?i had no answer,he also askd me wat we call a dry leaves?again i had no answer.he gave me a proverb,GUTIRI RIA MURURI RITAGATUIKA MWAGAU.nikamuuliza maana yake,akaniambia the shoot is mururi,n a dry one is called mwagau,akaniambia my lyf is lyk a banana tree,a shoot is my youth,where am supposed to work mo than ever fo my future ahead,the green leaves r my middle age,where my energy start fading slowly by slowly,at this age i hve alot to do,educating my children, providin health care fo them,higher education fo them etc,the dry leaves r my fynal age,where my energy has gone down completely,at this age i start consuming wat i had saved at my early age n my middle age.SO MY FRIENDS LET WORK SERIOSLY N LORD WILL BLESS THE WORK OF OUR day.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 03:30:59 +0000

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