YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US ON A FAST FOR REVIVAL IN LOGAN COUNTY! Greetings in the name of the Lord! We hope everyone is doing well—both physically, and in the Lord— and staying warm in this recent snap of extremely cold weather! Tony and I have felt in our spirit that God wanted us to fast (go without eating food) for the purpose of seeking God for an out-pouring of the Holy Spirit upon us and anyone else interested in joining us. So, we prayed about it, and we believe that God has recently given us specific details about the fast He has chosen for us. We (Tony C. and I) desire a revival in Logan County, WV, as we feel that is the “mission” God has assigned to us at this time. The desire for revival in Logan County is not something we “thought up” ourselves, or “decided” to do in our own mind; but rather, this is a divine calling that God gave us to do. Before explaining more about the fast, please allow me to first give a brief history of what has led us up to this point: A BRIEF HISTORY Tony C. and I (for those who may not know, Tony is my husband) came to Logan County, WV, last year (2013) solely with the intent of staying here temporarily to help take care of my ailing father who lived in Logan County. However, while we were here, God called Tony to minister in Logan (which he had no previous intention of doing). Our only intent was to help our family during my father’s illness; we had no intention of working here in ministry. Tony had been a pastor of a church in Kentucky in the past, but had not been working “in ministry” for a couple of years. Last spring, after we had been in Logan County about a month, God spoke to Tony the word “Pentecost,” and told him to announce it to the churches throughout Logan (which we did). Then, God told Tony to locate all the churches in Logan County (which we did, although, at the time, we had no idea of the reason why God wanted us to do that). God then instructed us to encourage all the churches in Logan County to come together in unity to pray for revival (which we did). God gave us the following Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. GOD SAID TO RID OURSELVES OF RACISM Next, God told Tony to tell the church in Logan County to rid themselves of any racism (particularly, racism against Logan’s incredibly kind and esteemed dark-skinned residents). By the way, Tony is not from Logan and had only lived here about two months when God spoke to him about the racism. Tony had no idea about any racism in the churches in Logan County. That was the furthest thing from his mind. God, who knows all things, spoke this to Tony one day seemingly “out of the blue.” Tony was just as shocked as anyone else about this statement. (We do not know if God meant “all,” or only “some,” of the churches in Logan County have some sort of issue with racism). Why God chose the sin of racism to deal with, instead of some other sin, we do not know. But, this is definitely the main issue God told Tony He wants to the church in Logan to deal with at this particular point in time. God is only trying to help “purify” us so he can bless us more! He loves us and wants us to be even more blessed by ridding ourselves of anything that could hinder our blessings. It is due to God’s kindness that he is graciously revealing to us our offences to Him—so we can have the wonderful opportunity to correct them and become more pleasing to our Heavenly Father! Please pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you if this is an issue in your life, or in your church. If so, please do all you can to rid racism from your heart, your life, and your church. GOD INSTRUCTED US TO FAST AND PRAY FOR A HOLY SPIRIT OUTPOUR God has recently revealed that He wants us to fast and pray for a genuine outpouring of the Holy Spirit and power. This is for the purpose of bringing revival to Logan County. God also told us to invite H.E.A.L. to join us. We would also like to invite all other Christians and churches in Logan County, including all congregation members, pastors, evangelists, etc., to join us. We all need the “Pentecost power” of the Holy Spirit to fill us individually so that we can be the vessels through which God can bring about revival in Logan County. Some may have already been “filled with the Spirit” in the past, but we all need a refreshing at times. (The apostles who had already received the infilling of the Holy Spirit and power on the Day of Pentecost in Acts Ch. 2, had to pray for a refreshing infilling of the Holy Spirit a short time later for boldness in Acts 4:31). Then, there are some of us who need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and power for the first time (including myself). Being “filled” with the Holy Spirit is an extra measure of the Holy Spirit, along with His power, which is made available to those who are believers in Jesus as their Savior. When a person is born-again of the Spirit, they receive “a measure” of the Holy Spirit inside them; however, when they are “filled” with the Holy Spirit, they receive an additional measure of the Holy Spirit with power and boldness. We need to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit so that we will have the boldness necessary to publically preach to the lost—who are usually not found in church, but rather, are found out in the community-at-large (in the streets and elsewhere). Also, we need the power to lay hands on those with addictions, cast out the demonic spirits of addiction, and bring instant deliverance to them through the power of the Holy Spirit. These things will cause revival in Logan County. (Drug rehab centers are a wonderful blessing where total deliverance is not an option, and we applaud those whose efforts are helping addicts at this time. However, if we can make total, instantaneous deliverance from addiction an option, that would be even better!) THE FAST – “42” As you may remember, we had originally scheduled a 40-day fast to begin January 2nd, 2014. However, as the date approached, we felt that God was showing us a different “start date” for the fast. So, we postponed the 40-day fast and, instead, we did a 7-day liquid fast for direction from God. We prayed to hear more from God about when to start the fast, how long the fast should be, and what type of fast He wanted us to do. Since we completed that fast, we have had a tremendous break-through! God has recently made known to us a fast which we both feel strongly in our spirit is the fast that God wants us to do! Everyone is invited to join with us in fasting and prayer. The food fast is a 42-day fast called “Do 42” (do42). This fast is a combination of several different types of fasts: part of the time raw foods will be allowed to be eaten; at other times, only water can be consumed (no food). To listen to an audio explanation of the 42-day fast, go to TheOnlineWord, and type “42” in the search bar. We will be doing the fast in conjunction with a spiritual and mental strengthening exercise called “The 40 Day Miracle.” Both the 42-day fast and The 40 Day Miracle program start on the same day, but the fast continues two days longer than the “Miracle” program. If you choose, however, you may do “The 40 Day Miracle” program only, without doing the 42-day fast. The 42-day fast, as well as the 40-Day Miracle program will both begin on Resurrection Sunday/Easter morning, April 20, 2014, and the last day of the fast will be Saturday, May 31, 2014 (the fast will be broken June 1st). Why start the fast on April 20th, 2014? ANSWER: Because April 20th is “Resurrection Day” (a.k.a. “Easter”), the day that commemorates Jesus arising from the dead. Jesus was the “firstfruits” of those risen from the dead (1 Corin. 15:20). This day is also known as the Jewish “Feast of Firstfruits.” The Bible teaches that the Feast of Firstfruits is the Sunday after Passover (Lev. 23:9-11). Jesus was crucified during the Jewish “Feast of Passover.” Although Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah, they still celebrate Passover (a.k.a. Pesach) as this is also the commemoration of their escaping Egypt under the leadership of Moses several millennia ago. Passover this year begins on Monday, April 14, 2014. PHASES OF THE FAST The 42-day fast will consist of several different phases: PHASE 1: Weeks 1 thru 3 will allow “super clean” foods to be eaten (includes raw foods and juices which CAN be steamed). PHASE 2: Week 4 will consist of “The Eden Diet” (includes raw foods and juices which CANNOT be steamed). PHASE 3: Week 5 will be a “water only” fasting time (no food at all). PHASE 4: Week 6 will be the “The Eden Diet” again. *No salad dressings, vinegar, oil, salt , nor pepper may be eaten. RECOMMENDED AMOUNT OF WATER: DRINK LOTS OF WATER! It is VERY IMPORTANT that lots of water be drunk throughout the ENTIRE fast. Distilled water is most pure, and thus, is best (but not required). The normal amount of water that is recommended by health experts is ½ of your body weight in ounces per day. Thus, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water per day. EXERCISE: There is also a daily “light” exercise program recommended for each day of the fast. You may find the free daily exercise video by Ringo Maxx on the Do42 website, under the “Daily To Do” tab. Click the corresponding day of your fast, and scroll to the bottom to find the free daily exercise video. *IF YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL AILMENTS OR CONDITIONS, you should probably check with your physician before beginning the fast. If you are under 18 years of age, you should obtain permission from your parents and physician. WEBSITE: Be sure and check-out the website Do42 for further fasting diet details, especially the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section, which is VERY helpful. Also, the Do42 website is offering a contest to those participating in the fast. The fast is also made available to people who fast for non-spiritual reasons, such as health only. Personally, I do not think it is appropriate to compete for monetary gain during a spiritual fast; however, that decision is up to you. REC OMMENDED FREE FASTING BOOKLET: It is highly recommended that you read the free booklet “Quick Fasting – Easy Fasting Instructions,” by Nathaniel Hawthorne Bronner, Jr. You will find the link at quickfasting , or you can click this link: quickfasting/ftp/quikfast.pdf There is also a discussion “Forum” on the Do42 website. (There are many other people in the world who participate in this fast. Most people begin the fast either January 1st, or July 1st, as that is the plan God gave the Bronner brothers. However, God gave us a different start date plan. God operates are different time-tables for different purposes. We believe that for the purposes related to the Bronner brothers and their ministry, that God gave them their correct start date. Our purposes, however, are slightly different, and therefore, God has given us a different start date.) FAST START DATE: Sunday, April 20, 2014 FAST LAST DAY: Saturday, May 31, 2014 (the fast will be broken June 1st), for a total of 42 DAYS. Now, I will discuss “The 40 Day Miracle.” THE 40 DAY MIRACLE PROGRAM – Change your life in 40 days! 40day The 40 Day Miracle program is a spiritual journey, as well as a mental exercise program in the Scriptures. The 40 Day Miracle involves abstaining from, or counteracting, the 7 deadly sins for a period of 40 days. These seven sins have long been recognized by the church as the seven basic human behaviors and emotions that cause most of our destruction and spiritual downfall; they include: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, and sloth. We all deal with the seven deadly sins, but rarely is there an organized program to specifically to help give us the power to conquer them and take our lives to a new level. How? There is a free message which discusses each of the seven deadly sins. (They are also freely downloadable if you choose.) You will be required to listen to all seven of these messages during your 40-day period. You must also make a daily proclamation which has already been prepared for you (you may print it if you wish). These are available at the very bottom of the page here: 40day/the_1st_step.html In addition, you are to read scripture and pray daily during this period. The specified amount of time is determined by your age in minutes daily. The time is divided evenly between scripture reading and prayer, and between morning and before bed each day. For example, if you are 20 years old, you must read scripture for five minutes in the morning, pray for five minutes in the morning, read scripture for five minutes before bed and pray for five minutes before bed. The total time of scripture reading and prayer per day will be equal to or slightly greater than your age (rounding up for partial numbers). Much of the necessary information is located under the “The Program” tab on the “40day” website. Also, there is good information under the “FAQ” tab. If you want to hear an audio message on The 40 Day Miracle, go to TheOnlineWord and type “40 Days” in the search bar. The 40-Day Miracle program, as well as the 42-day fast, are both ministry outreaches of “The Ark of Salvation,” which is a non-denominational church located in Atlanta, Georgia. The pastors/ministers there are three brothers whose last names are “Bronner.” Both the Do42 and the 40day websites are outreach ministries of “The Ark of Salvation” church and the Bronner brothers. The Bronner brothers say that God gave them both these programs. To read more about the Bronner brothers, click here: theonlineword/meet_the_pastor.html If you choose, you may do “The 40-Day Miracle” only—without doing the 42-day fast. Please check out the websites for more information, for message downloads, and other tools: do42 and 40day Also, please feel free to contact myself or Tony with any other questions you may have.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 04:33:50 +0000

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