YOU WONDER IF ANYONE IS LISTENING ...THEN... “I must share - TopicsExpress


YOU WONDER IF ANYONE IS LISTENING ...THEN... “I must share WITH YOU ALL something very special, so that you can see how the Lord prepares the way for us and DOES ANSWER PRAYER. I was asked to teach another Bible Study at a Senior living facility. However, my plate is full, I already teach at two other facilities, and my husband ask me not to. However, I FELT OBLIGATED TO FIND SOMEONE ELSE to do it. I PRAYED, along with friends, but we kept HITTING DEAD ENDS. Tonight after teaching the Bible Study at the church, I started to drive home and decided to pull into Vons market where I ran into some friends from my old church in another community. I MENTIONED OUR NEED OF A TEACHER. Without hesitation, Dennis Hansen said, ‘Since I am semi-retired now, and I use to teach Senior Bible Studies, I WOULD LOVE TO DO IT. Just tell me where and when.’ I immediately got HOLY GOOSE BUMPS, all the hair on my neck and arms stood straight up. I told them that this was definitely a DIVINE ALIGNMENT, because they JUST HAPPENED TO COME IN at the SAME TIME as me. I am still mind-boggled over this and so excited. God never fails me. HE HAD IT ALL ARRANGED and I just had to wait for Him to show me.” Sandra Kruger Janke •••• We cannot overestimate the POWER OF YOUR WORDS spoken to God, in prayer. The more you pray, and the more fervently, the more power. The famous preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, PRAYER PULLS THE ROPE down below and the great bell rings above in the ears of God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly; others give only an occasional jerk at the rope. But HE WHO COMMUNICATES WITH HEAVEN is the man who GRASPS THE ROPE boldly and PULLS CONTINUOUSLY with all his might. Love that, don’t you? Wishes for wonderful Sunday winks. SQuire
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 23:50:00 +0000

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