Yall know I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next. And - TopicsExpress


Yall know I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next. And boy I would love to know that Ebola was created by the man and administered as a synthetic poison to people willfully accepting any type of vaccination offered. Id love to think that some evil force out there created this for their own agenda as opposed to nature doing what it does best, a balancing act. But lets assume that Ebola is spread the way weve been told since the end of the 1970s... through fluid contact. Then why is everybody so up in arms about a plainclothes man who was near a transported Ebola victim without being in full PPE? If he is keeping a safe distance and the patient is wearing a face mask to protect against the spray of a sneeze... then his risk is extremely limited. The official explanation of having someone without a hazmat type suit because the line of sight and hearing when suited up is limited, that seems somewhat plausible. His risk of catching anything is going to be through blood, sweat, tears, saliva, urine, etc. Im pretty sure staying 6+ feet away from a patient who is fully wrapped up with face mask is a pretty safe bet. Id do it for $100. Thats how confident I feel about it all. Now were the virus(es) known to be transmitted by airborne means, thats another story. But honestly body fluids are not that hard to avoid, especially when you know to avoid them. Whats more fishy to me is that the reported deaths in the first 30+ years of the disease seem to be minuscule compared to the last year of it. Yes thats the nature of an outbreak, but there were outbreaks before thats how it first hit our radar. This does seem monumentally wrong, especially for a day and age where we are so much more advanced at identification and treatments. We science a lot and shit... but our science is getting KOed for something that isnt really new. And then theres conspiracy about a vaccination that has been patented on behalf of the US government and CDC/NIH. I dont know enough about vaccinations and patenting them to know if this is rare, but it does seem like Pfizer or some private pharmaceutical company would be holding the patent, not a government agency. But maybe they got lucky creating the vaccine first. But is there a vaccine? Conspiracy theorists would have you believe the vaccine is whats actually causing the outbreak and countries that refuse help from the Red Cross are actually not showing infectious outbreaks. From my limited experience with the Red Cross machine, Id be surprised if they really were helping anyone... usually they are just a face for PR and fundraising and do very little to actually aid in local disasters. Other agencies tend to do that with little help from the Red Cross, while the Red Cross takes credit for it all. If you want to be concerned about about Ebola, be concerned about these claims... because if that sounds ridiculous to you then you choose to believe it is only spread by fluid contact as we have been taught... and thats really nothing to be that scared of. You can control your contact to other peoples body fluids. Sweat and sneezing are the ones that would be of most concern to me. But really all this says is that the layman is completely out of touch with whatever is really happening. And thats why we are laymen. Because we have no specific focus of higher education in these professions. Long story short, what are you gonna do about it? Who knows what is real and what isnt about anything anymore. :) google/patents/CA2741523A1?cl=en
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 00:02:11 +0000

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