Yes I was right... Finally the world wakes up & responds to the - TopicsExpress


Yes I was right... Finally the world wakes up & responds to the call from the US government to form a US led coalition against the (ISIS) Islamic State terrorists in Iraq & Syria... More than 40 countries including Britain, Australia, even Arab countries like Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia & Qatar are pledging their support to the US government to wide out the terrorists once & for all... The terrorists called themselves the Islamic State but carried out widespread atrocities & instituting a brutal interpretation of Islamic law. They have been using the name of Allah to influence the public to wage jihadist war against the Westerners...& even killed innocent Muslims who stand in their way... I may be a Muslim myself... But Islam is against the killing of innocent people... These terrorists are not fit to call themselves Muslims & by committing crimes against humanity they are spoiling the image of Islam... Lets pray that the war against the terrorists starts swiftly & ends victorious for the US coalition... We pray for the innocent people who perished... We pray for those still suffering... We pray the end of the war to be near... We pray for justice for the innocents & punishments for those responsible... We pray for everyone to be able to return to their homes reunited with their families... This is one war the terrorists will regret fighting for... ( the name of Allah)...
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:18:26 +0000

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