Yes, friends please watch. I suffer from invisible illness as - TopicsExpress


Yes, friends please watch. I suffer from invisible illness as well. Its hard for people to understand how I feel when I look healthy and normal. It mainly affects me in the workplace. Employers see a happy 22 year old but when I cant come in bc I am so sore I cant get out of bed or I am throwing up and have to leave early they dont understand and some have even told me I fake it. My friends are usually pretty understanding nowadays, took years for them to get there though. I hope you understand a little bit more about my life from this video. She is such a beautiful woman and has been an inspiration to me as I follow her on here. Shes a very strong woman and seeing her strength has inspired me to stay strong. I dont have lupus but I do have fibromyalgia which is pretty similar. Causes me all over body pain, flu like symptoms, sometimes pain if anyone even slightly touches me. It causes brain fog. Which I seriously have memory problems because of and its very embarrassing. Sometimes I cant even remember a friends name. It causes lots of fatigue which holds me down often. I also have rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative disc disease. I have lots of back and neck pain which drives me crazy everyday. Its hard for me to do alot of the physical things I used to do. In fact I barley do them at all anymore. And last but not least, Crohns disease. Which for years has been under control until now. I feel stomach cramping and nauseas all the time. As a disclaimer, Im not complaining about my life or showing you this to feel sorry for me. Its just something that you can watch to understand me and my life a little better. Some people have told me well its not that bad at least you dont have cancer! But this is MY struggle and it is in fact a struggle. So please no judging. We all live our own lives and struggle in different ways. Love and light to you all.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 04:18:44 +0000

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