Yesterday, James and I pulled up to an Arco to put has in the car. - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, James and I pulled up to an Arco to put has in the car. On the opposite side of the pump a rough looking man was doing the same. He was accompanied by his 2 year old son d ( think baby Oliver Twist with a blonde Mohawk ) who was waddling around excited about the motorcycle that had pulled up behind us. I only noticed the man right when we pulled up... But I wish Id been paying more attention. Because just as we were finished fueling up, he desperately asked if we could spare any change to help put gas in his car. He went on to explain how been laid off at work, how hed gotten divorced, how his kid was hungry... Etc. just spilling out reasons... It was obvious that he was uncomfortable asking for money. Or had maybe never even done it before. I grabbed my wallet and handed him all the cash I had on me 25$ --- he thanked us and continued to express his gratitude as we got into our car, wished him luck, and drove off for home. The conversation James and I had afterward though struck a chord. The situation of the homeless, and the jobless, and the poor here in America... Is terrible. If an opportunity to help comes along, I would hope that we step up to the plate and treat others as we would have them treat us.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 16:27:31 +0000

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