Yesterday and Today has been jam packed in NY. Yesterday I went to - TopicsExpress


Yesterday and Today has been jam packed in NY. Yesterday I went to the David Letterman show thats filmed in the very theatre that the Beatles once performed in which was pretty cool, Letterman is hilarious, I recommend his show to anyone coming to NY, its more then just a Tv show, behind camera he interacts with the audience and pays out on everyone especially Aussies and Canadians lol. Today I visited the middle school at the Berkley Carroll school in Brooklyn, on Tuesday I spoke to an Elementary class and today I spoke to the middle school students which was a bit more engaging as they understood a lot more . Berkley Carroll Has over 900 students in lower level and middle and high school. Its an old school and very big, what I find funny is how schools are the one school but buildings are blocks away from each other. Mostly in Australia a school has one location. I love that the students are active at this school and sports are a high priority, American schools are starting to introduce calorie readings next to foods in the cafeteria which is wonderful. education really does differ a fair bit between the US and Australia. The students start class at 8.15am and finish at 3.45, sports and music etc are after school hours. The students love asking questions about Australia. I was telling them about Australian schools and how they differ. They cant believe we have to wear uniforms and that we mostly pack our own lunches. When I walked in I had a bag of potato chips and a bag of grapes. I needed a clear way to explain ELAM. I showed them my before and after pictures and told them my story, at the end I stayed around and had a chat to the class, the teacher said after a speaker comes to the school the students normally leave as soon as they can but they hung around to talk to me and ask questions, so many of them have big dreams and of course they want to travel to Australia. I think they just loved my accent. From here I rode the subway to Ground Zero (The Trade Centre) it really was everything I pictured, many corporate employees mixed with tourists who wish to pay their respect to the fallen victims of the September 11 attack. There is definitely an uneasy atmosphere and vibe about Ground Zero. Like most others I am very interested and blown away by the whole tragedy, I love all the movies and docos about September 11 so going there today was something I wont forget. Its sad but beautiful at the same time, beautiful because everyone who is there is there to pay their respect and remember those who fell, the memorial site is very lovely and it definitely brings out the emotions. The water gushing over the two under ground squares with the victims names engraved into the walls. They are currently rebuilding the future World Trade Centre close by but they will now never change the memorial site, its a major tourist attraction. To get into the memorial is free however they ask for a donation that goes towards the victims families etc, when you donate $10 or more you get a memorial wristband. To actually enter is unreal, the security measures are similar to an airport, you have to be scanned and have your bag checked etc. As I was walking there a man who I thought was a preacher was yelling out so I stopped to listen, he had a photo album and he had tears in his eyes when he was telling anyone who would listen that its called Ground Zero because it wasnt just the two towers that were affected, the other buildings and the other lives that were lost are just as important but these names of the people who werent workers in the Trade Centre werent written in the memorial, the homeless people werent written he said. It was quiet full on. Reading the names and picturing the tragedy was very emotional. To think how many families lost their loved ones who were just doing what they do. Life can be so unfair. From here I walked around and seen the big bull that if you rub its balls it apparently brings wealth so of course I did. I then found a nice spot for lunch, I had Pizza, loved every minute of it, it was gluten and cheese free pizza so it wasnt the NY Pizza we see in the movies, it was amazing. My diet over here has been up and down particularly in Vegas. We had room service in LA and Vegas a fair but and ate out. The holiday mentality makes us think we can eat what we want so I have to watch that but at the same time I am surely enjoying myself and have had ice cream after dinner once or twice. Yesterday I went to M&M land and got about 15 M&Ms and they were amazing :) After lunch I got back on the Subway, the Subway is just like i thought too, it smells and its scary lol. Most people who know me know that I meet people everywhere and today I met a nice couple from Melbourne while on the Subway and we ended up back in Times Square at an Irish bar. Now Im meeting up with the other girls so we can purchase some Broadway tickets and I thought I would update you all on my trip :) Soon Im getting my Halloween costume and getting ready for tonight. Well thats my last couple of days. Oh and finally I am on top of jetlag woohoo. Here are some pictures I got so you can visualize. Love from NY. Xxxxx Happy Halloween. Aspire to Inspire
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:13:02 +0000

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