Yesterday (for reasons I wont go into just now) I told a minor fib - TopicsExpress


Yesterday (for reasons I wont go into just now) I told a minor fib and said that a non-specific someone had poked me in the eye. That got me thinking; Im almost certain that when I was a child, people poked eachother in the eye ALL THE DAMN TIME... or if they didnt, there certainly seemed to be a lot of telling on people for doing so. Nowadays, eye-poking does not seem to be utilised by children. This is a Good Thing, but I cant help wondering why it changed. I mean... I know I taught my kids not to hurt people generally, but I dont think I ever told them not to poke eyes, specifically. Was it a 70s thing? A regional thing? Are there fashions in childhood pain infliction? What do you recall being the weapon of choice during your childhood? When did kids stop doing that? Evil little gits!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 08:50:57 +0000

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