Yet another of the plelthora of examples as to Socialism vs. - TopicsExpress


Yet another of the plelthora of examples as to Socialism vs. Capitalism i.e. the "brilliant people" who think they can make 2+2=5. Forced mandates, reality kicks in, more forced mandates and reality kicks in again. The 500 pound gorilla in the room socialists never want to acknowledge is there, let alone ignore. The result? The U.S. has lower increased emissions than those who signed the Kyoto Treaty and have been admonishing us ever since. However, the U.S. is headed this direction in a big way. We have an Administration that has openly said he wants to wipe out the coal industry and that we should be paying $10 a gallon for fuel. These people want control and power, their followers who really believe this stuff will never acknowledge the truth. Get ready for our utilities to at least double as well.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 16:15:29 +0000

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