Yet more proof the Tories are trying to make the promises made to - TopicsExpress


Yet more proof the Tories are trying to make the promises made to Scotland conditional on Labour agreeing to their proposals on English devolution. Lets be totally clear here: - This clause was not mentioned at the time by Cameron to either the Scots, or to Labour or the Lib Dems when he very publicly signed a pledge to devolve powers to Scotland with the other party leaders. This is just typically mendacious behaviour from the Tories. We say no ifs or buts give the Scots what you promised...Labour and the Lib Dems are saying this too. We can the necessary debate on English devolution over the next couple of years. But you owe them this! - Camerons idea of just banning Scottish MPs from voting on UK issues whilst retaining the current Westminster structure and parliament will virtually guarantee the break up of the Union ...this means that English MPs will both be able to vote on English matters and on UK wide issues, whilst Scottish, Welsh and NI MPs will only be able to vote on issues that affect their country thus making them less relevant than their English counterparts. Also this effectively prevents politicians from the other UK countries ever holding positions of power in the UK government such as PM and Chancellor. Now what is the point of being in the Union if you are perpetually the junior partners? - typically as with all things Tory this hot hair about the Mid Lothian question, is not all seems to be and hides some inconvenient logical inconsistencies ...after all if its wrong for Scottish MPs to vote on issues that have been devolved, why is it not wrong for London MPs be allowed to vote on UK transport issues? (Transport is devolved to the London Assembly) - No one is saying England doesnt need some form of separate governance, Labour are saying it, The Lib Dems are saying it, the Greens are saying it and so are UKIP...but lets consider: If we are to have parity with Scotland then we need a SEPARATE English assembly elected as in Scotland by PR and the head of the English assembly must be separate to the role of PM who will remain head of the UK government. This UK government must be inclusive ie. All MPs from all areas can vote on all issues. This wont mean any additional bureaucracy as the Lords then becomes redunant and we can ditch all those political placemen. (Just to be clear Wear Red considers that the formation of an English parliament is not the best way forward - we want full devolution to the regions... after all if London can have an Assembly with devolved powers why cant the South West, or Greater Manchester or The North East or the Midlands etc etc..) Finally we hope that all Scots arent going to stand for this and ensure that pressure is brought to bear on Cameron to deliver on his promises with no strings assured you will have many many people south of the border who are equally disgusted with what Cameron is trying to do and will add our voices to yours. WRx (Ps apologies for posting a Torygraph article - if you want see the idiotic mind set of the English right winger read the comments below - a common theme being were more important so we should have the most really couldnt make it up sadly).
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 12:26:40 +0000

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