Yo Dingo Babusch. BigUPs Family. Check this. BANKY IS NOT A - TopicsExpress


Yo Dingo Babusch. BigUPs Family. Check this. BANKY IS NOT A GRAFFITI ARTIST. DON’T BELIEVE THE GRAFFITI HYPE!!! Graff has been the original news medium and social media forms from cavemen dayz when Thor scratched images on cave walls. Fast forward to when graff artists such as Mingo used to break into NYC Transit train yards at night -- hop-scotched over 3rd rails with bags of spray paint to tag entire subway cars. All this before motormen showed to jult those 8-car trains into the tunnels for morning’s rush hours. And still fast forward to technique of scratching on subway train windows and doors’ glass between stops before the Transit Cop showed. Beating the risk of getting caught tagging is a part of the graff subculture man. Listen, if folks wanna see some real graff and classic pieces in NYC, just go visit the cradle of hiphop at Bronx River Community Center in the South Bronx (dia-inc/BronxRiverCenterGraffiti.html). While riding the number 6, 2 or 5 trains up to the BX, check out the roof top pieces. Dude, never confuse graffiti with street art. They are two different art forms. Characters are illustrated but graph is mainly about lettering. Currently the media is trying to build manufactured hype about this “mysterious” street artist dude name Banky. This is a planned publicity campaign that is being driven by mainstream media to help promote Banky. The payoff hopefully is to sell his pieces for huge $um$ in trendy upscale art galleries. DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE! Banky’s hype is similar to Keith Haring’s (R.I.P) -- who was a very kool dude - BTW. Keith used to stand in front of his store on Lafayette and Houston and chilled with folks while he signed autographs. But Andy Worhol, that Keith was a slick Pennsylvania boy. Man -- Haring rented ad space in NYC subway stations to illustrate his characters and made it seems like he was vandalizing the “black” blank ad spots. To hype his art above ground, Keith Haring went up to a East Harlem playground (around E127th Street & 2nd Ave.) during the NYC crack epidemic and painted “Crack Is Whack” on the handball court wall that is still highly visible to motorists traveling south on the FDR. NYC Parks Department never removed that tag that covered the entire wall. So the space was paid for man. It is still up. Keith Haring was neither a graff or street artist really. A dude like Jean Michel Basquiat R.I.P was true graffiti artist. Lots of other dudes shaking spray paint can around Gotham City at this moment. This Banky dude is doing the same thing by renting walls for his pieces and behaving like he is unlawfully tagging the walls. And check this, every building he supposedly tagged, the real estate value appreciated. Watz-da-matta-wit-you’s? Get the f#@k outta here wit’ dat bullsh!t Banky. A “NYC HELLO TO U’s” fellow... You are being bank rolled and is laid up in a comfortable loft planning where to tag next. And the Publicity Firm behind the so-called hype and manufactured human interest is doing a wonderful job. Brilliant! The media is being sucked into this fake publicity campaign man. Even mayor Bloomberg got suckered. Hey -- Dude is from Boston you know. GO YANKS EVEN WHEN THEY LOSE! Hey YO! If you are in New York City and wanna see real graffiti just ride 6, 2, 4 or 5 trains up to da Bronx. Or hop the J train to Jamaica, Queens. BigUPs to all graff artists who are carrying on, the real tradition of tagging around the globe. Shoutz to Lucky Coral of Zulu Nation.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 20:59:30 +0000

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