Yo, demi-gods! Its Ella! This is chapter 2 of the story :) Enjoy! - TopicsExpress


Yo, demi-gods! Its Ella! This is chapter 2 of the story :) Enjoy! -Ella (TA) Long story short, my foster mom had a panic attack when I got home. She made a HUGE deal about how she should call the police and whisk me off to the Emergency Room, but didnt really resist when I said it wasnt necessary. The only reason she took me in was to get money from the government, anyways... Right? I cant shake the feeling that she knows whats going on. It seemed like she had absolutely no clue what was ever happening in my life, but Ive been coming home every day with new bruises and scratches. I suppose me coming home like THIS was what really had to give her a wake-up call. But, theres one thing I cant push aside - she was the one who gave me the ring. I sighed and closed my journal. Nothing made sense anymore. I never wouldve imagined that d really wish for it, but... I just wanted things to go back to how they were before I turned sixteen. When the boys and girls made fun of me and treated me strangely. When everyone avoided me (except Grover, of course) and made a point of excluding me. Maybe it wasnt the best life, but it was a life with reason. I was different. I was short, plain, and anti-social. I wasnt in any sports, but that wasnt my fault exactly. Penny insisted that a small girl like myself would be pummeled relentlessly if I tried to do anything involving physical activity. I wasnt exactly happy, but I understood everything that was happening. Now? I was being attacked by monsters, had a 1997 Class ring that turned into a bronze sword, and I had the agility and strength of a wolf. Giant cannibal football players, well, one, were calling me a demi-god and beating me to a bloody pulp. I just wanted to die already. Jeez, being sixteen was sure overrated. I squeezed into a pair of blue jeans and a sweat-shirt, and debated about putting on makeup. I didnt actually put any on, but its the thought that counts. I threw my still-damp-from-a-shower-hair into a bun and hoped that the elastic wouldnt break. It was my last one, and it had already begun to stretch out. I limped down the stairs and praised God (or should I say gods?) that Penny wasnt up yet. I was way too tired to be interrogated like a criminal at seven o clock in the morning. I was usually super cranky in the morning, and having a large bump on my head PLUS a throbbing ankle didnt exactly make me any less moody. I grabbed an apple from the kitchen table and put it in my backpack. I came to the conclusion that I would see the school nurse, and tell her that I tripped and fell on the way to class. She would probably believe me, but even if she didnt, she was pretty much required by law to fix me up and tend to my injuries. The walk from my house to Yancy Academy was painstakingly fast. It normally took about ten minutes, but today it seemed to only take five. I couldve sworn that with a sprained ankle Id been walking much slower; apparently I was mistaken. I arrived several minutes early, and had plenty of extra time to take a quick visit to the nurse. She gave me a sympathetic look and dabbed at my cuts with Peroxide, then wrapped my ankle in gauzy strips. I thanked her and made my way to class, walking with some difficulty as I hobbled along like Tammi and Kelli did with their mismatched legs. I felt exposed, weak, and vulnerable. Three things I absolutely hated. The boys and girls I passed on the way to English stared at me like vultures inspecting a fresh kill. At any moment, they would fly down to the ground and start picking the meat from my bones. A regular high school day, eh? The school day went by in a blurb, which wasnt anything new. I sat in my seat, pretended to pay attention, and daydreamed. Only this time, I daydreamed about the horrible things that would await me when I began my walk home, and if Id survive it this time. But I didnt get worked up over it. Maybe dying would bring me relief, or maybe Id waste off into nothing. Either way, it was obviously a better option. Soon enough, the time came for my journey to start once again. I wished that Id a least had Mythology to find some answers before I died, but we only had that class on alternating days. Maybe the monsters will wait until I find out what they are, I thought hopefully. The knot in my stomach told me otherwise. Youre going to die today. A voice in my head said menacingly. I couldnt tell if it was my own or... if it was someone elses. Did it even matter? Either way, it was right. There was no way I could fight another monster in my condition. Earth to Hollie! Grover snapped his fingers in front of my face repeatedly. I swatted his hand away from me, scowling. Everyone could snap except for me... What? I snapped (unfortunately, it wasnt with my fingers.) Grover, already used to my lash-outs, held up his hands in mock surrender. You zoned out, he stated. I wanted to make sure you were okay. I nodded and forced a smile. Just thinking, I said truthfully. Gods, I would miss that silly cripple. Tears started burning in my eyes. The thought of never seeing my best friend again... It just broke me in half. I wiped my eyes, holding back a sniffle. Grover, my voice trembled. He turned to me. Hm? I just wanted to let you know that you are the best friend I ever had, and I will miss you a lot. I managed to choke out. Grover tilted his head in confusion. What are you talking about, Hollie? He asked. I blinked profusely, and smiled through tears. Im just feeling kinda sick, and I probably wont be at school tomorrow. And then there is the weekend, so I wont see you until Monday! I lied like it was obvious. Grover gave me a suspicious look, but smiled anyways. Uh, okay. Ill miss you too, I guess? I nodded and wiped at my eyes again. I took a deep breath and hugged my awkward, crippled best friend tight. Take care of yourself. I whispered. I broke away and waved at him like nothing was wrong, turning the corner and preparing for the worst. My life came in small clips of memory, like a home made movie that was damaged. I tried to remember the good time I had with my parents. Making lasagna, hanging out at Uncle Todds retaurant. I decided quickly that I had lived a good life, and I wouldnt regret anything. My thoughts were clouded and muddled, but that one choice seemed very clear. My limp faded away as I walked. I straightened my shoulders instinctively. If I was going to die, I might as well die proudly. I didnt even bother wiping away tears as I had around Grover. Ill see you soon, Mommy and Daddy. I missed you so much. I was ready to die. In a world where nothing made sense, I would finally end it all. My breath caught in my throat as something landed on the ground in front of me. It stood up, standing about eight or nine feet tall. It had tattoos covering its arms, and wore leather armor. I stuck my chin in the air, meeting its ugly gaze. Good, I said in a strong voice, even though my face was wet with tears. Id rather die at your hands than those witches Tammi and Kelli. The giant grinned, showing off a full set of crooked yellow teeth. It snorted. I tried to hide my disgust, but a scowl crept onto my features. You are the puny demi-god that destroyed my brother? Pathetic. It snarled. I cocked my head a little. I wasnt sure if it was a male or female. Yes. I incinerated him, I said proudly, attempting to provoke it. Well, now I will incinerate you. It - Im pretty sure it was a male - replied in a bored voice. I got really angry, really fast. This thing wanted to destroy me, the thing whose hands I would die at, was bored with me? I ripped my ring from its chain and it transformed into my sword in a millisecond. Fight me, you ugly excuse of a giant, I shouted. The giant took a moment to look at me, and laughed. You want to fight, demi-god? Then we will fight. I will make your death a quick one. It only took me thirty seconds to climb on his back, all lead by pure instinct. And unlike Brody, he didnt even think to try and hit me while I was on his shoulders. I was disappointed. I didnt want to fight to get him to kill me. I wanted to curl up and die; I couldnt live like this anymore. There were faint shouts in the distance, but I didnt take notice. Hopefully, Id be gone before they got to me. Maybe Id turn into golden dust like Brody did. I shut myself off. I closed my eyes, and let myself go limp. And then I felt something take a hold of me. My eyes shot open, but I was no longer in control of my body. I slashed and stabbed until I was only standing in a pile of golden dust. Then, as quickly as it had come, whatever had possessed me shot out of my body. Thank me later, kid. It said, in a voice indistinguishable as either male or female. I fell to my knees as the golden dust was swept away by the wind. Tears fell from my eyes, and my body was wracked with sobs - or was it anger coursing through me? I was supposed to die, I whispered. I cried even harder at the thought of my Mom and Dad, waiting for me, and I thought about how disappointed they must have been in me. I was supposed to die! I screamed, as loud as I possibly could. Im so sorry. I looked up to watch little white flecks fall on me. The first snow of the season. Beautiful, and breathtaking. I wanted to destroy it. I took my sword and lashed out, swiping at each and every perfect little crystal. I screamed and cried, and fell to the ground on my back. Its not fair, I sobbed. The shouts from earlier reappeared, this time much closer. A few sets of footsteps accompanied the sounds of a panicked search. The footsteps stopped, but I just stared up at the sky. My breathing was short and shallow, and each breath sent a cloud of ice crystals into the air above me. My body started shivering unwillingly, a reaction to the unusual chilliness. Well, I told myself. Looking back, it wasnt my thoughts. If the monsters wont kill you, I will. My right hand, still holding the sword, raised up and came down with a flick. Pain quickly filled my abdomen. I gasped in realization. I felt the beginning of an asthma attack overtake my chest. Oh, gods! I heard a familiar voice exclaim. Grover... I mustered all of my strength and screamed, Help me! The footsteps started again, thumping wildly like my heart. I blinked the snowflakes from my eyes. Help me... Within seconds, three faces were examining me. I tried to speak, but ended up coughing weakly. Blood trickled from my mouth. Grover, I wheezed. My frizzy-haired friends face into view. Oh gods, Hollie, this is bad! Very bad! He bleated. I smiled weakly. I figured as much. Here, another voice said. Grover looked over, but I couldnt see anyone else. Black spots started dancing in my vision. No! I dont want to die! I blinked as hard as I could, but my vision started blurring even worse. Eat this, Grover instructed. I felt something press against my shivering lips, and I swallowed it willingly. It tasted like Japanese nabemono stew. I had it when I was younger, because my fathers best friend owned a Japanese restaurant. I took a deep breath of air, gulping lung fulls of the cold stuff like Id never had it before. More! I rasped. Grover gave me more of the wonder food, and I devoured it greedily. This time it tasted like my mothers lasagna, and it brought even more relief. I tried to sit up, but the pain in my gut sent me straight back to the ground. Hold still there, buddy. The unfamiliar voice said again. It was definitely female, and one of the most soothing voices I have ever heard. I had no choice but to lay down, obeying the command. Who are these people? I quietly asked Grover. I hadnt meant to be quiet, but if I spoke loud it sent pain through my abdomen. Ah, right. Hollie, this is Piper and Hazel. Grover introduced me. Uh, I cant see them. I tried to laugh; it didnt work. The spots were gone from my vision, though. Dont worry, you will be better soon. He promised. There was some murmuring among Piper, Grover, and Hazel. Okay Hollie, go to sleep now. It was the same soothing voice from before. I opened my mouth in protest, but I passed out before I could say anything. And for the first time in a long time, I didnt have any nightmares.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 23:44:16 +0000

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