You May Know Someone Who Has The Same Problem! So I wanted to - TopicsExpress


You May Know Someone Who Has The Same Problem! So I wanted to share this since not everyone follows my fan page GodBlessPlexus Several years ago I started having pain in my right hip. I couldnt sleep on that side. I went to the chiropractor and I got worse. It wasnt his fault, I didnt know until several more years of being in pain that I had torn cartilage in my hip joint. (must of been through several bad falls) I finally found this out because my hip would lock up on me and I would have to painfully move it around until I could get out of a chair. On a funny note my sister came to visit one time with my mother. My sister had a convertible V W. They wanted me to go shopping and I really couldnt get in and out of the car. She fixed that, she would put the top down on the V W when I had to get in and out of the car! We had some laughs at my expense of course! lol Its been two years now since I had hip surgery and they took out the torn cartilage. I have been in pain since. I apparently got some nerve damage in the process and started to have shooting pains from my hip to my knee. This came and went depending on my activity. Then it all came to a head so to speak this past Christmas when I just took on too much trying to shop, put the tree up, cook clean the house, travel to my in-laws. After our Christmas in LA, I could hardly get out of the truck. David had to almost carry me into the house and put me to bed. I stayed like that for almost three months. Barely able to get to the bathroom by myself and having to eat from the bed. I will make a long story short, the only thing that keeps me going besides the wonderful grace of God is the Plexus Fast Relief for Nerve Health! If you have this type of pain it is really worth the try since you have a 60 day money back guarantee! What can you lose, but pain!!! There are several Fast Relief products check them out! Message me if you have any questions! Click here for more info...
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 15:06:00 +0000

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