You all know I cringe at headlines like this that take a broad - TopicsExpress


You all know I cringe at headlines like this that take a broad stroke to one style of training and declare it categorically good or bad (so basically 99% of whats written about fitness, I get it). That said I appreciate this public reminder that all-out, super high-intensity may definitely have a place in your program, but too much will surely cause the opposite of the results youre looking for + probably injure you in the process. Be accountable to yourself to work hard but look beyond each individual workout and TRAIN SMART!! Sidenote: If you dont know what train smart means (totally know, its kind of a cliche) or cant figure out how to implement it in a way that pushes your limits but still creates balance and sustainable results, well its a good thing you know me b/c thats my FAVORITE thing to coach on!! Reach out Im always here to help!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 22:58:33 +0000

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