You can take this serious, or not.............. a poke at the - TopicsExpress


You can take this serious, or not.............. a poke at the logic of Obamacare........ Let’s have a little look at liberal logic as it applies to Obamacare. Now…Don’t start with me. I can hear you saying there is no such THING as “liberal logic” but, all I ask is that you take a few minutes to read this as, I am reasonably sure, this WILL make the entire Obamacare experience make more sense to you all. Okay… Let’s begin with this little give and take from Sebelius testimony. Congresswoman Renee Ellmers went down this path… Ellmers: “You also brought up the issue that when you were in Kansas that you fought against discriminatory issues… As far as essential health benefits, correct me if I’m wrong: do men not have to buy maternity care?” Yep…THAT path… Sebelius: “Policies will cover maternity coverage. For the young and healthy, uh, under thirty year-olds will have a choice also of a catastrophic plan that has no maternity coverage.” Having failed to answer the question, congresswoman Ellmers tried again… Ellmers: “But men ARE required to purchase maternity coverage.” Sebelius: “Well, an insurance policy has a series of benefits whether you use them or not…” Uh…huh… Ellmers: “And that is why health care premiums are increasing, because we are forcing them to buy things that they will never need. Thank you.” Sebelius: “The individual policies cover families. Men often do need maternity care for their spouses and for their families, yes.” Ummmmmm…If it covers FAMILIES how can it be an…INDIVIDUAL policy??? Ellmers: “A single male, aged 32, does need maternity coverage. To the best of your knowledge, has a man ever delivered a baby?” Stay with me here… Steady…steady… Liberal logic dictates that… YOU are MANDATED to purchase a policy that contains benefits whether or NOT you could ever possibly NEED those benefits. I know that healthcare insurance is a murky thing and not al all easy to grasp with or without Obamacare so…Let’s try to clear this up. Let’s say you live in the middle of the Death Valley California and You want to buy HOME OWNERS insurance. The salesman tells you that in order to be covered in the event of a SANDSTORM…You are ALSO…MANDATED…to purchase…FLOOD INSURANCE!!! Naturally, this will make your PREMIUM higher but…SOMEBODY certainly must have a house SOMEWHERE in a flood plain and THAT is why YOU must have flood insurance. Now, of course, the flip side to the liberal logic is this: SOMEWHERE out there is SOME idiot living in SEATTLE that will be paying for SANDSTORM insurance so, you see, it all evens out. At the risk of making congresswoman Ellmers look like a fool…That is why a 32 year old single man is MANDATED to buy Obamacare MATERNITY COVERAGE!!!! Because…Somewhere out there is a woman…32 and single…PAYING FOR TESTICULAR CANCER COVERAGE even though she will never have…BALLS. It all evens out. How about we look at another aspect of Obamacare…The price? YOUR premiums. Here is the liberal logic behind Obamacare pricing… Let’s say you are currently leasing a car. It’s a nice car Chosen by you to fit your needs. You drive it to work and back…To the grocery store and back…To Church…And back and, occasionally, you take a short road trip. Your current lease is costing you $200 dollars per month. Along comes the government and HE tells you that…If you LIKE your car, you can KEEP your car but…HE is going to MANDATE…OBAMACAR!!! Under Obamacar…YOU will be MANDATED to lease a DIFFERENT car because…The price of gas went up. Your new OBAMACAR will not be the little Honda you have now…IT will be a GIANT LEXUS SUV with 4 wheel drive…Power windows…A HEATED SEAT even though you live in FREAKIN’ PHOENIX…It will have a satellite dish…a full bathroom…and every other bell and whistle you or the engineers at NASA can devise. Now…Obama PREDICTS that instead of the $200.00 you’re paying now…The NEW lease will cost you $900 DOLLARS PER MONTH but…When the final figures come out… IT ONLY COSTS YOU $600 DOLLARS PER MONTH. It’s 3 TIMES what you’re paying NOW but, it’s a LOWER cost than PREDICTED soooooo…..YOU should be GRATEFUL!! See how that works? SWEET!!!!! And finally, let’s take a few moments to explore what has become a big…BIG issue…THE OBAMACARE WEBSITE!!! Here, we have a website, somewhere near 3 years in the making at a cost of somewhere between $634 MILLION dollars and, by some reports…$1 billion DOLLARS. You can’t get on the darn thing. No matter what you do…no matter when you try…YOU can’t log on. IT’S a MESS!!! It crashes and it freezes up…It tells you that you can’t proceed and there you sit, watching the house hearings as one liberal after another tells you that the site is…IS functioning but, not the way they intended it to work…YET. Here is the liberal logic. Think of the Obamacare website as an airplane. YOU have been FORCED…MANDATED to get on the plane even though you LIKED being on the ground and wanted to STAY on the ground when, all of a sudden, BOTH engines quit, a wing falls off AND YOU’RE SITTING NEXT TO MOHAMMAD WHO IS TRYING TO LIGHT HIS TIGHTY WHITIES ON FIRE… Just because the plane is hurtling toward the ground TECHNICALLY doesn’t mean it’s not…FLYING. It’s just not flying the way they HOPED it would. You have options. You could start flapping your arms. You could open the door and jump. YOU COULD BEAT MOHAMMAD FEATURELESS. The point is…You don’t have to just sit there…You can find an alternative way to HIT THE GROUND AT HIGH VELOCITY… And, if you happen to be lucky enough to survive the impact… YOU HAVE OBAMACARE…YOU’RE COVERED… So…Come on America…EMBRACE liberal logic…GET OUT THERE AND BUY SOME CRAP YOU DON’T NEED!!! What’s that you say? You don’t own a boat??? BUY A BOAT TRAILER!!! You only have room for a 47 inch TV??? DUMP IT AND GET A BIG OL’ 70 INCHER!!! WHO CARES IF YOU’RE AS DEAF AS A POST…YOU ARE MANDATED TO BUY THAT NEW BOSE SURROUND SOUND!!! YOU’LL LOVE IT!!! You already HAVE a spouse? You LIKE your spouse and you want to KEEP your spouse??? GUESS AGAIN!!! THE GOVERNMENT THINKS YOU DON’T REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND YOU’RE GETTING DIVORCED!!! Oh, don’t worry…THE GOVERNMENT WILL ARRANGE YOUR BRAND NEW MARRIAGE!!!!! NO MORE ANGEL SOFT FOR YOU…HERE’S YOUR 20 GRIT SAND PAPER!!!!! CHILD SAFETY SEATS FOR CONVICTED PEDOPHILES…FREE RANGE BISON FOR APARTMENT DWELLERS…GOVERNMENT MANDATED TAXPAYER FUNDED SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE ICE CREAM OF THE MONTH CLUB FOR THE LACTOSE INTOLERANT and… Registered as a REPUBLICAN? Been DEAD for the last 112 years?? ARE YOU A DEAD REPUBLICAN ILLEGAL ALIEN??? WHAT DIFFERENCE, AT THIS POINT, DOES IT MAKE??? OBAMA HAS MANDATED THAT YOU BEND OVER…STICK YOUR HEAD UP YOUR ASS AND VOTE FOR THE LIBERALS UNTIL Y3K!!!!!!!! What? You think I’m kidding??? Men no longer have to worry about maternity care…Women, your nuts are insured six ways from Sunday…If your home is lost to a sandstorm in Seattle or to a tsunami in Death Valley…YOU CAN USE THAT 4 WHEEL DRIVE MONSTER TRUCK FOR YOUR NEXT MILK RUN AND PAY FOR IT ALL OUT YOUR WAZOO!!!! And thanks to…Socialism…Liberal logic and Obama… That little flash fire in Mohammad’s Fruit of the Looms is covered too.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 20:07:44 +0000

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