You have the green light! ~ Serenades of the Virgo Full Moon and - TopicsExpress


You have the green light! ~ Serenades of the Virgo Full Moon and Pisces Sun ~Call Upon the Angels for Help and Give Your Cares to God~ The 26th degree and Sabian symbol A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold. If you focus on avoiding what you dont want, what you dont want will be attracted to you. What is it you DO want? ~ Terri Hager As the energy of the Pisces Sun, under the influence of Pluto and Neptune, continues to show us the illusive nature of life, and the power we have to break old patterns of tuning out, the Moon sends out its strongest light on this Full Moon in Virgo Sunday, on 3/16/14. At 26 Pisces, 356/360 degrees, the activated Sabian symbol is A new moon reveals that its time for people to go ahead with their different projects. What a blessing for this to come at a Full Moon. We are encouraged to follow our dreams and do what empowers us. You have the green light. Now decide how you want to vision your life. The 26th degree reminds us that we have many more gifts than we can hold. Those are the tools and talents we were given at our incarnation to make a difference in the lives of others. Be confident and believe that we can be what we feel inside. Dont give up! Strength (8) is the spiritual archetype of the 26th degree, bringing lovely Pluto to the mix. We have far more power to succeed than we believe, but we often let others power or confidence hold us back. Obstacles of the (8) bring downturns that make us fear. But if we power through them, we gain greater knowledge about the leader we have within ourselves. The (356/14) brings the energy of Temperance. We must be refined through the fire, the Phoenix energy of Scorpio and transformation, of lifes experiences to remove old fears and allow us to shine. FULL MOON: Feel Subtle Energies The Full Moon in Virgo is helping us to illuminate what has been stopping us from success. At 20 Virgo, 170/360 degrees, the Sabian symbol shows A caravan of cars headed to promised lands. Know that you are headed in the right direction when you take joyful steps toward the life of your dreams. Message: Magic happens when you open your heart. Youve been focusing upon changing your life and that positive change is now upon you. Trust that this change is for the best because it is. REVELATIONS *Nothing in a caterpillar tells you its going to be a butterfly. You must know it for yourself. PROJECTS *Life presents an array of people and circumstances so you can choose what you love or you dont love *Open your heart, mind and soul to the pain and suffering in the world. Reach out to others *Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you. Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you THE NEW *A light is within you that always will be. But it shines ever brighter when you set it free Awaken to Love with Truth and Share to Pay it Forward!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 18:59:59 +0000

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