You know a lot of people do that 30 days of Thanks on fb, I - TopicsExpress


You know a lot of people do that 30 days of Thanks on fb, I personally dont because honestly my attention span isnt that long. For those of you who know me well, you know this to be true. But I sit here with my fire ablaze, and prepping my smoker for that most succulent of hams, it has given me a bit of time to sit back and reflect a bit on what I am thankful for. Firstly I am thankful for a living, merciful God, whom I love, trust, serve, thank, seek, and attempt to live for on a daily basis although Im unsuccessful a lot of the time, and yet as Big, mighty, and wonderful He is He still finds it in His heart to not only forgive but continue to love this spec. Thank you Lord for saving me. Secondly, I am thankful for a family that I wouldnt trade anything in the world for. Theyve done so much me I couldnt pay them back in a dozen lifetimes. I would be royally screwed without them to put it bluntly. Thirdly, I have the greatest, most exciting, most fun loving friends a person could ask for. Shawn, Leo, and Dustin you guys have bypassed friend status. You three are and will forever be my brothers. Last but not least by any sort of measure, there is my reason for living. I literally have the most amazing wife anybody could not only ask but pray for. If I lived a thousand lives I couldnt and wouldnt find anyone to come close to comparison to her. Stephanie I love you and appreciate everything you do for me on a daily basis. I am so blessed to call you my wife. So I think those are the important things, and I am thankful for my life even if I dont take 30 days to say it. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 11:29:52 +0000

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