You know what used to happen when my mother used to say, “Wait - TopicsExpress


You know what used to happen when my mother used to say, “Wait til your father gets home?” I knew I was in deep sh** and was going to suffer some repercussions for whatever my actions were that prompted that statement. I don’t remember any “time outs” in the corner, but I sure don’t remember anything physical either. What I DO remember the worst things you can do to a kid. NO TV. NO VIDEO GAMES, NO PLAYING, sometimes for several weeks. In other words: SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES! Contrast that with my 7th grade Spanish Teacher. We used to take a book case and put it in front of the door so she could not get into her own classroom, and we’d do the kinds of things 7th graders do until she could get in. Eventually, she’d get reinforcements to obtain entry, and threaten this or threaten that, but we all knew she was full of it. She was never going to follow through on any of them. So, typically within the week, she was seeking reinforcements to gain entry to her own class again. MY POINT: Which do you think the GOP more resembles? Furthermore, I was NO angel, but I rarely made the same mistake at home any time in the near future. Conversely, we tormented that poor teacher daily. I realize most liberals will have no earthly idea what I am talking about, but hopefully those with an IQ over 6 see my point. THIS IS A VERY VERY VERY DANGEROUS SITUATION… AND LET ME ASK YOU: DO YOU SEE THE TREND ESCALATING OR RETREATING?
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 04:03:47 +0000

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