You may occasionally see a post from me about Doctor Who- - TopicsExpress


You may occasionally see a post from me about Doctor Who- questions, comments , weird thoughts or feels. DW is my primary fandom with a back up of like 15 or so more lol. Tonight I am watching The Stolen Earth and Journeys End AGAIN , and thought I would point out some things that people may have been wondering. How does Davros know Sarah Jane? In Genesis of the Daleks the 4th Doctor , Sarah Jane and Harry are sent back to the creation of the Daleks by the Time Lords to destroy them. Davros is a Kaled and the original creator of the Daleks. A scientist pushing the boundaries of morality, evil and mutation of his species in order to ensure their survival during a war between the Kaleds and Thals on their home planet Skaro. Why does Sarah Jane have a son? Watch The Sarah Jane Adventures :) Really great series about Sarahs adventures after the Doctor. Made for kids but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Honestly, although my boys LOVE Doctor Who, they dont grasp it completely. My 10 yr old is a major DW geek and admitted to me yesterday that he didnt understand all of it and likes Sarah Jane Adventures because it is less grown up. Huge admittance for him. He is a wicked smart kid and he and his little bro who is 7 both love Who and know a TON of trivia and can name off eps and get the feels but really- its a bit over their heads. Why does Rose know Dalek Caan? Rose encountered Daleks in Dalek and with Jack and the 9th Doctor again in Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways.Then again in Army of Ghosts and Doomsday with the 10th Doctor. ( Marthas cousin, Ianto and his girlfriend Lisa were also in the Torchwood 3 tower at this time btw) There were four members of the Cult of Skaro -Dalek Jast, Dalek Sec, Dalek Thay and Dalek Caan. These were Daleks that were encouraged to think for themselves and how the enemy thinks. The Doctor actually thought they were just a legend. Once the Genesis Ark ( which remember is a Time Lord creation- topic for a different time) and all the released Daleks and Cybermen are sucked into the breach, the Cult of Skaro initiates an emergency temporal shift and we find out later that Caan survived but was rendered insane from breaching the Time Lock and going into the Time War to rescue Davros. What was the Torchwood timeline for this period? After the final episode of season 2- Exit Wounds and sometime before or during The Children of Earth. No spoilers for those who havent watched Torchwood ( bad fan, watch now ) There was more I was going to talk about lol, but its after 4am and I is tired!!Sorry if my grammar is off or things are a bit scattered! When you start pulling continuity from episodes it can get a bit overwhelming with overlaps and fun tidbits. Painting a bit more and off to sleep for a nap. If you have any questions about DW or TW or other shows you watch please ask us in a message or post or whatever. Between us we have most fandoms covered and if we dont know an answer we will research it! ~ Mels
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 12:17:21 +0000

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