You sweep the glaring red flags under the rug, cut off friends who - TopicsExpress


You sweep the glaring red flags under the rug, cut off friends who say you deserve better, lash out at strangers who warn you that when someone lies, cheats, steals, takes advantage, manipulates, spills intimate secrets, and invents stories for you, they will do these to you when you’re no longer convenient to love. I know you want to believe it will never happen to you—that youre different, that it happened to others through their own fault. I’m sorry, but it’s already been happening to you for a few months. Youve just become so good at covering it up that you convince even yourself. But soon, you will watch in horror as you, like the many girls before you, will be made out to be the deranged one, hated, and told you deserve what was done to you because you are horrible.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:42:43 +0000

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