You want to know what men are looking for in a wife. Dont get - TopicsExpress


You want to know what men are looking for in a wife. Dont get frustrated thinking about it, here are: 7 things to consider. Are You Supportive? When your man has a rough day, do you rub his back and listen to him? Let him know that you are in his corner. Of course, this does not mean agreeing with everything he says, give your advice about the situation appropriately but don’t let him doubt himself or his abilities. Remind him of his strengths. He will need you from time to time to also actively help him in business and in life in general. So do things to show him your support. Don’t Keep Score A lot of women make the mistake of holding on to past transgressions as evidence should an argument happen. Then before anyone knows it, a fight about dirty dishes in the sink is ending in loud profanities and phrases like, “This is because you didn’t have a decent mother!” And once words are out, they can never be swallowed again. So ditch the score card today. Like the old saying goes, forgive and forget. Anger is a self feeding emotion and the thing it will feed on is your happiness. Split Bills Good men reach for the check after a meal at a restaurant. But this does not mean you should let him consistently shoulder the burden of paying for everything. A woman he will want to marry is one who occasionally treats him to things as well. In addition, for a situation where you and him live together, it is a good idea to plan how to manage rent, food and utilities as a team. Be Honest If you are not looking for a serious relationship and he is, be honest early. Don’t waste his (and your) time talking about your future together while secretly Whatsapping your exes and holding on to the past. Men like commitment from the women they are going to marry. Jealously is not a good color on anyone and you do not have to put up with it but also be fair. If you know you are not commiting to the relationship like you feel is necessary then admit it and free both of you to find love somewhere else. Accommodate His Existing Relationships His friends and family were his support system before your paths crossed. Don’t make the common mistake of pitting yourself against his existing relationships. As a couple you are blending friends and family, so get to know each other’s networks so that it is not awkward when you all hang out together. Treat his friends like your friends and expect the same from him. But be sure to let him have time with his existing relationships without you as well. A little absence from each other is good for the relationship too. Inspire and Encourage How many hours a day do you spend on job search websites looking for the perfect job? Have you seen any that might interest him? Send them his way! Do you know something about writing a CV that is more beneficial in the market? Share this with him. And lets not forget all those great inspirational Ted Talks you watch. Share them! When in a relationship, you should both add value to each other’s lives especially when it comes to enriching each other with opportunities. If you have a ‘biashara’ that he can lend services to, invite him to do so and vice versa. Ensure to help each other strive to new heights. Or be great in current ones. Pick Your Fights Women are passionate beings and when emotions are running high they can throw out words faster than the man has a chance to apologize. Fights happen in any relationship. But the difference between lasting relationships and the short term flings is that the people in long lasting ones know how to fight maturely. They don’t make scenes and they don’t keep score. Choose your battles. Don’t make a war out of the petty stuff and don’t down play the serious matters either. Find a good balance and talk openly with each other. Once you find yourself a good man, you can might also like to know how to keep the honeymoon phase going in your relationship.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 06:29:23 +0000

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