You will for sure have heard about the devastating flooding in - TopicsExpress


You will for sure have heard about the devastating flooding in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and other parts of Balkan region. MapAction, a charity supported by volunteers from national mapping authorities, is working around the clock to help to suffering people in the badly dammaged places, so they get the help they need as quickly as possible. The area has been affected by sustained rainfall, which has resulted in what are thought to be the worst floods in 120 years with four months of rainfall in just one day. Several people are known to have died but the full extent will not be clear until the flood waters start to recede. The situation has been further exacerbated by landslides and damage to roads and infrastructure. As of 17 May, more than 6,000 people have been evacuated, but it is estimated that over 50,000 people may have been affected, and 115,000 homes have been left without electricity. As our friend in Serbia informed us: Situation in Belgrade is close to regular, everything is working usually. But, just 15 min away people are struggling with the catastrophe. There are no right words to explain the situation here. Nobody knows a dimension of devastation. Some cities in the West Serbia are almost destroyed. Consequences of this disaster will affect the entire country for such a long period.I am sure that only based on systematic help from abroad we can rebuild the infrastructure and return life at minimum condition for living. MapAction’s volunteer will be working in partnership with the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination team. Find more information about MapAction supporting activities in Balkans. You can give a hand as well to help suffering people in Balkans; members and friends might like to donate to them Thank you in advance! EuroGeographics Head Office Team
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 20:43:03 +0000

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