Your Astro Today 30 Jan, 2014 Aries You might learn something - TopicsExpress


Your Astro Today 30 Jan, 2014 Aries You might learn something new today that could actually be old wisdom, but its new to you, and very helpful. You are in a good position to strengthen your future by taking care of the present. Pay close attention to commitments you have made and do what you can to honour them. Lucky Color Off white Lucky No. 1 Jan 30, 2014 Gemini Your ability to meet your obligations with grace and a smile certainly wins you favour from others today. You are likely to be respected right now, and this in turns helps you to feel appreciated and motivates you to do even more for others. Nevertheless, you prefer to show your affection in practical rather than frivolous ways for the time being. Lucky Color Pale yellow Lucky No. 2 Jan 30, 2014 Leo Circumstances may be such today that you feel needed and wanted today. Constructive and possibly instructive conversations can be had with your communications sector and creative expression. You might consider expressing your affection through the written or spoken word today, and you thoroughly enjoy friendly word-based competitions. Lucky Color Light Purple Lucky No. 3 Jan 30, 2014 Libra Its a good day for expressing your views or taking care of communications that are your duty or obligation. An important discussion can occur now, or you might receive news that reminds you of important responsibilities. You can express yourself especially clearly and persuasively today, and others might turn to you for advice. Lucky Color Golden Lucky No. 3 Jan 30, 2014 Sagittarius You are expressing yourself with clarity and an air of authority today, coming across in a very direct, pleasant, and articulate manner. Make a point of showing your more responsible side in a warm and inviting way. In fact, there may be an obligation to fulfil with a friend, or a more serious issue that requires a resolution, and you can be instrumental in helping out. Lucky Color Burgundy Lucky No. 6 Jan 30, 2014 Aquarius You might be involved in group discussions, team work, and planning now. You have a special need to be involved, to contribute, and to feel connected. There may be a question of whether a project is financially viable today, but this challenge may only serve to motivate you further to pursue your goals. Lucky Color Beige Lucky No. 7 Jan 30, 2014 Taurus You have the ability to take a look at what needs to be improved or changed today and do it with few if any regrets. Its a day for meeting responsibilities and feeling good for doing so. Your mood may be subdued today, and your attention often turns to plans and details. Lucky Color Dark Red Lucky No. 6 Jan 30, 2014 Cancer Its a good day for finding solutions to health issues through research or conversations. Practical matters can be handled with greater ease. A sense of accomplishment by days end is likely. You might pick up a new skill or make progress on a home/work project. Lucky Color Light Pink Lucky No. 5 Jan 30, 2014 Virgo Financial matters can be faced with realism today and your conservative or moderate approach wins the day. There are times for bold moves, and times for a slow but steady approach - today favours the latter. Keep things simple, and discover how simplicity enriches your life. Lucky Color Silver Lucky No. 4 Jan 30, 2014 Scorpio You feel better equipped to make decisions today, particularly about money matters or the care of personal possessions. This is a time for appreciating simple pleasures and comforts rather than for pushing too far or giving in to the feeling that you need more in order to be happy. You feel better today if you take a conservative approach, and for some of you, this approach is a necessity given circumstances occurring now. Lucky Color Sky Blue Lucky No. 4 Jan 30, 2014 Capricorn Your thinking might turn to the past or to very personal and private matters today. You might confide in someone trustworthy now, or if you keep things to yourself, you may be especially busy reflecting upon and analyzing sensitive matters. Obligations have a way of making themselves known, but for the most part, you are quite happy to fulfil them. Lucky Color Forest Green Lucky No. 9 Jan 30, 2014 Pisces You need to relax today. Take a break from all mental and physical activities. A relaxed mind will help you rid of any unnecessary tension. You may now get an opportunity to hone your god-gifted talents that youve been neglecting. Your busy schedule might ease up now giving you times to pursue your interests. Lucky Color Lemon Lucky No. 8
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 00:53:57 +0000

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