Your Questions About Baby Sign Language Helen asks… Language - TopicsExpress


Your Questions About Baby Sign Language Helen asks… Language delay, do you have experience with this problem? My son is 25 months old and he does not like to talk. He can say around 36 words clearly and he can combine words. He can say ” sit down, help me, and I did it”. Sometimes he will say as much as ” Goodnight mama, or I love you mama” but then I won’t hear this again for a LONG time. I am using flash cards to help him progress. My son knows letters and last night I counted to five and out of nowhere he went “six, seven, eight , nine , ten” while counting his cheerios with me. I was shocked and shocked to find out he knows his letters. HE will not say them often but he will bring them to me and make their sounds when I ask. HE knows his body parts and point to learn new words but will not say them. Instead he will grunt, grab my hand and make me meet his needs. If I refuse and force talking he will tantrum and melt down. He is a well behaved child usually. He was a good baby. He has worried us because he was late to crawl, and late to walk and he has confused us because other milestones were very early. He seemed to pass things back and forth from hand to hand around 2 months, build beautiful tall towers early, and he can balance objects well. Despite being a late walker, he walked effortlessly when he started and ran soon after. He is very mobile now and quite skilled at the park on the big boy equipment. Something bothers me though in that he looks very young compared to other 2 year olds and he is of course way less verbal. I’m also a little worried because ppl look at my son like there might be something wrong because of his language . He is in no way autistic because he loves ppl, likes to dance, smiles, laughs, points and does not have any signs of this. I do not feel I can toilet him yet or anytime soon because of the immaturity…. Do you know of any children like this. His Dr did not want to evaluate him because he said language can lag in a boy but he is going to refer him if he does not improve soon. It is not like the Dr told us we have nothing to worry about.. i’m terrified of mental retardation because of what the future would be like for our son and because he is much loved. Carol answers: I know a 22month old who is very similar – my son! He seemed to reach some milestone early and others late in comparison, but I would never question his mental ability over this – he’s an individual and won’t be marginilised by average milestones. Perhaps you should concentrate more on what your son can do and stop worrying what other people think of him. He sounds perfectly normal and happy, and when he chooses not to talk it is simply because he recognises that he can choose. Please stop looking for danger signals and keep praising him for his achievements. Continue to converse with him, but don’t make him feel pressured into forming an answer when he doesn’t want to. Listening is one of the biggest skills required in conversation and your son may well be taking in everything you say. Your doctor is also right in saying that sometimes boys lag with verbal communication, so listen to this advice and stop worrying about possible complications. I hope this answer doesn’t appear too harsh, I just feel that you are expecting a lot from a two year old and judging him too critically against milestones/peers. I’m sure you are a wonderful mother, you sound it, so be thankful that your son is progressing nicely in his own unique way and stop worrying about what he should be doing and start concentrating your efforts on helping him to progress as an individual. Powered by Yahoo! Answers
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 03:40:57 +0000

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