Youre feeling down? Do not listen to your mind. The brain is what - TopicsExpress


Youre feeling down? Do not listen to your mind. The brain is what I consider the hate organ. Its the one organ that stores all of the bad memories of the past, and it makes you think bad things. If you are feeling down, listening to the brain will make it worse. Listen to your heart. The heart being the love organ. The one organ that shows affection for people around you, things surrounding you, and even love towards yourself. Listening to your heart will give you a little more faith in yourself. If you listen to your mind all the time, you arent going to overcome your depression, anxiety, or whatever else it is you have. You self harm; Your mind will be playing back things that people have said to you, and done to you. When you get the urge, dont let those memories flow. Take control. You hold the remote, switch it off. Your brain is a television of bad memories, and you are the only one who can switch it off, which means you are the only one who can help yourself. You have anxiety; You think that everyone in the street are staring at you, and judging you, and it makes you feel the size if an ant. Again, switch it off. Forget what people have done and said to you in the past. You will never overcome it if you dont try. Not all people are bad, youve just had a bad experience with them. Dont let those individuals ruin your life. You have depression; You always feel tired, alone, lost, and out of control of your emotions sometimes. You always feel like youre on the floor with it. Get up. Walk straight up to the demon thats getting you down, and switch it off. Show it that you are strong. It cant hurt you as much as you think it does. Youre stronger than that. You have an eating disorder; You push your food around that plate, looking at it like its poisonous. Like its going to kill you. You then start thinking you are fat, and not worth it. Thats not true. Switch off the memories, and listen to your heart. Your body needs food to survive, and you wont be able to achieve any of the life goals you have set if you dont eat. Your body will just give up, and youll die. It wont be a sudden thing either. Its a long, drawn-out death. Very painful. Dont torture yourself for goodness sake. Pick up that fork, and just try nibbling on the food. Keep nibbling away until youve eaten some. Make sure you eat until you are full. You feel like you need to throw up the food? Dont. Keep it in. Be strong, and hold it back. Go to sleep instead. Dont think about throwing it up. In the time you are sleeping, your body will have digested some of that food, and you will feel better. Be proud of yourself when you achieve this. You arent as weak as you think. Its the memories that are pulling you back. Whats in the past should stay in the past. Dont let it keep you from achieving things you want to achieve. Love yourself, as well as everything around you. Dont get yourself down. You are all beautiful individuals, and its honestly got me down to see so many people getting themselves down by calling themselves ugly. None of you are. You are all unique, and beautiful. Love the fact you have been given a chance to live, and love the people who have walked into your life, and made it better. Kick those out that hurt you. You dont need them. You are better off without them. That includes kicking the demons out of your head. Be strong, and hold your chin up high with pride. Walk through life like its easy, even if it isnt. Never show it you are weak, because it will pick up on it. Never back down, and certainly never give up.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 23:11:18 +0000

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