a few months ago i posted about starting an INTERNET FREE SKOOL - TopicsExpress


a few months ago i posted about starting an INTERNET FREE SKOOL with Stephen Michael McDowell in association with Boost House. well the time has come to plan some classes, set up a schedule, and DOOO this ! do u want to offer to teach a class? (most of the classes will just meet 1 time, on streaming internet video, for like 1-2 hours. no need to teach a whole semester!) were looking especiallly for classes with a political or activist bent --workshops about privilege, social problems, organizing-- but we want various other subjects too, maybe literature classes, philosophy, math or science, a class about meditation or gardening.. mostly we want to offer entry-level stuff that helps community members to become more active, constructive, and knowledgable participants in the world. hehe well be kinda selective with the first set of classes, to try to set the right tone -- but long-term the Free Skool will hopefully become prolific and driven by the community as a whole, and the discussions that arise, so many many classes can be offered.. were aiming for a wide variety of teacher voices, and want to avoid a predominance of white / cis / male voices especially.. we think everybody has something to teach that would help us all be more constructive, engaged participants in our world. please consider contributing your voice and expertise, if it interests you at all !! here is the application to teach a class. you can list out your ideas for 1 or a few potential classes here: bit.ly/freeskoolapp me and stephen both tend to be busy, balancing a lot of projects, but please feel free to message either of us with questions or feedback too . heres the current mission statement we wrote for the Free Skool, if you want more info: boost-house/free-skool/about/ thank u very much !! please share this with friends who you think would b good teachers !! apply here: bit.ly/freeskoolapp
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:36:05 +0000

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