a prequel chapter to my story..... hope you enjoy Chapter - TopicsExpress


a prequel chapter to my story..... hope you enjoy Chapter zero, ground zero Thursday October 11, 2012 10:42 pm E.S.T. a low flying commercial airplane crash outside of Newark New Jersey, the explosion and fire destroying over fifteen blocks of houses and stores. Smoke, suit and a strange orange dust is carried on the wind for miles, covering everything in a tacky film. The survivors from the plane seemed to be disoriented with weak pulses and very combative, biting and clawing the first responders. Police called in the National Guard to help with the clean up and to help control the growing hostile persons. Thursday October 11, 2012 8:42 C.S.T., the Lady Longhorns volley ball team had just won the first match in a major tournament, against the University of Minnesota. The only two freshmen on the longhorns varsity roster are roommates, Tammy Wright and Alisha Kay Bayles, after a couple of wine coolers they had their first taste another woman’s lips and experienced another woman’s touch, neither was as drunk as they wanted the other to believe and they both enjoyed the experience more than they wanted to admit. During the next twenty four hours, over a dozen high jacked airplanes fly, spreading a fine powdery orange dust, covering the majority of the planet. David Ostrander sits on the tailgate of the work truck, drinking a cup of coffee and trying to wake up. He watches an air plane as it fly’s north toward Chicago, sitting down his cup of coffee he covers his eyes “Hey, something just fell out of that plane.” The other men in his crew turn and look at where David is pointing just as another black dot emerges from the back of the aircraft. “That looks like a person” someone mumbles. David jumps into the truck behind the steering wheel and cranks the key as some of the others climb into the back of the truck, gravel flies as the truck rockets forward in the general direction of the plane. Anthony Betz, sitting in his Sophomore creative writing class, day dreaming about what his girlfriend did for him the night before. He blushes as a smile crosses his lips and his pants get a little tighter. “What do you think Mr. Betz?” Doctor James Pearce asks. Anthony’s jerks his head up and blushes deeper. “Uh um I’m not…..” the roar of a jet engine drowns out all other sounds then a terrible crash as the left wing of the 737 slams into the west wing of the high school. Twann Jones jumps up, runs to the door, slams it shut, locks it and slides along the wall just as a huge fire ball crashes into the door, blowing it off it’s hinges, slamming it into Doctor Pearce’s body. News reports come in from around the globe, people acting in a strange violent manner. Men, women and children attacking anything that moves, clawing and biting, even eating and tearing others limb from limb. Within three days a pandemic is declared, as almost half of the worlds population is considered to be infected. People are told to stay in their homes and not allow anyone that has been bitten in, martial law is in effect. The entire Lady Longhorns sat crammed in one bus as it slowly crept down highway 35, a military escort surrounding the small line of busses. A half a dozen military checkpoints and hundreds abandoned vehicles have turned the drive from St Paul to Kansas City into a three day crawl. Tammy and Alisha lay next to each other, holding hands and trying to comfort one an other. Sometime during the night a large group of the infected, as Sergeant Armbruster calls them, somehow get into the camp. Alisha jumps up and reaches down for Tammy’s hand just as a huge arm surrounds her waist and she is lifted off her feet. Tammy struggles to get up but she is tangled in the sleeping bag that she was sharing with Alisha. A sharp pain in the back of her head and the world goes black. Tammy awakes to gun fire and people talking, she struggles out of her now shredded sleeping bag and can’t believe she is ok. The sickening smell of over cooked meat fills her nostrils as she steps out of the Casey’s store that was their refuge the night before. A large man with a graying ponytail, wearing biker leathers and sporting a wicked axe slung across his broad back and four or five hand guns on his belt was giving orders. “Make sure you kill that brain before you toss them in the fire” he yelled as he turns and spots Tammy. “Hey, you ok?” Tammy nods her head as he reaches over his shoulder and grabs the haft of the axe as he walks toward her. “You have blood on the side of your head. Have you been bit?” Tammy reaches up and feels the side of her head, she looks at her finger and they are red. Tammy looks up at the large man and her eyes roll up into her skull as her knees buckle and she collapses to the ground. David slams on breaks, pushing the peddle almost to the floor, of the one ton pick up. “There in the field” Steve points. David turns the wheel and steps on the gas, speeding toward the figure laying in the field. The two men in the back of the truck jump out as the truck skids to a stop. Michael states “Oh man that guy is really messed up” as Steve turns and pukes, “Ain’t no way he is….” David steps around the nose of the truck to see the man trying to lift himself up, both of his legs and his right arm have multiple compound fracture. Michael was a medic in Iraq so he runs over and starts trying to calm the man down. The man grabs Michaels left arm and sinks his teeth deep, ripping the flesh out in one long chunk, as David grabs a spade from the back of the truck and swings it, slicing into the mans head. “Hey Betz, what the hell happened man?” “How the hell should I know. I’m not even sure how I got out … hey watch it assho…..” Anthony yells as he is slammed into the wall. “You need to listen to me you little prick,” a gas masked face screams at him “go home and hold your mommy’s hand or what ever, cause if you are here in one more minute we will have orders to kill you. Got it? Now Go!” Anthony turns and heads out looking for friends as he goes, he spots Twann just as Doctor Pearce stumbles out of the rubble. Twann seems confused seeing Doctor Pearce as he reaches out and grabs Twann’s shoulders pulling himself up he slams his face into to the young mans throat, Twann screams as blood sprays. Gun fire and screams fill the air as Anthony starts to run.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:04:02 +0000

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