a theory of mine... take it for what it’s worth... but I was - TopicsExpress


a theory of mine... take it for what it’s worth... but I was thinking (ut oh) so first, lets get this straight: Satan was around in the Garden of Eden... Satan was in charge of the music in heaven (most scholars say)... Satan was this most powerful angel... THE MOST powerful of the angels and the most talented... he has a temporary amount of dominion on this earth and in the “air”... all of that is in the WORD of God... what we’re not sure of is WHY???? Why in the DEVIL is “the devil” allowed in our lives??? IOW, what in the heck is going on around here??? LOL the more I learn about demon spirits, the more I’m AMAZED at how prevalent they are, and from many varied sources, for they are “the aliens”... we here about how an Alien Deception will be THE MAIN COG in the “deception” that faces the earth dwellers at the END TIMES... a deception so strong that even the ELECT might be fooled (Mathew 24:24) ... Even Ronald Reagan suggested wed all agree to WORLD peace if we were to be confronted by Aliens... (true story for mind control) I digress, but and yet demons also write movie scripts and or songs as people CHANNEL them for this inspiration~ WOW... did you get all of that???? and that’s leaving out how they instruct how to bring this earth under one ruling government and religion and money system, but don’t think for a MOMENT that man isnt receiving “instruction” by the one who “deceives” or his fallen angles / demons.... after quite some times studying all of this, I can hear “the message” for the world and the coming New Age (of Satan) in ALMOST every song... from WAY BACK through today... but mainly in the late 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s classics... (strange but true and don’t get me started) and how BOLD of Satan to come right up to Jesus and TEMPT Him with his Kingdoms of the world, that oh by the way, Satan still controls and call me a conspiracy buff, but VERY bad times are ahead and the Bible also tells ya so... ya see when the Bible agrees what what already has happened, and what is going on in plain site... and then dots get connected REAL quick and BINGO... two advantages I have over most people, and yes, it’s because I’m a NERD and don’t have a life, but it’s two fold... ready??? one, I know the Bible pretty good, thanks to some VERY SPECIAL local Bible study leaders and DVD’s... and two, I know what’s going on hidden, behind the scenes... I don’t know all, but I know enough that matches RIGHT IN LINE with the Word of God, Amen~ so i know what the Bible says is coming, and i see simply what is already here and what their goals are, so these items are NO STRETCH... its actually easy to see~ I digress (I do that a LOT) but let’s continue with the key story-line that is also in the Word of God... that there was a MASSIVE WAR in heaven and it didnt go well for ole Lucifer... he was thrown out of heaven and but not without Satan/Lucifer taking ONE THIRD of the angels with him... and that’s a pretty big deal if you’re taking inventory in Heaven of “Angels”... try losing 1/3 of your kids and ask yourself if you’d notice~ anyway, to get back on point~ WHY??? HOW??? what is the purpose and how did we (man) get involved and why why why etc??? wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, we are told that us, them, Satan, etc, that EVERYTHING made by God is to GLORIFY God... that is also a KEY point... just like every great movie needs a GREAT villain, Satan will glorify God as Christ defeats him.... we who chose Christ, also share in this glory, (just like in the movies, Batman wins, but those close to him are all smiles etc) but the REAL glory from ALL of us will be to GOD through Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit Amen... so in essence, we are not SHARING in this “glory” we are freely giving it back to Christ and in turn we are given “much”... but is there MORE to this, and how it all “works”??? Seems so basic to just allow that God simply wrote a movie script for Himself to be the star... sort of like Rocky... Stallone wrote and stared in the movie, right? so again, WHY??????????????????????? What???? How??? So my theory is this... and it’s JUST A THEORY for we are not to ADD nor subtract anything from the WORD... so this is not an “addition”... it’s to help maybe some on the fence with making sense of allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll this mess, right??? my theory is as God created Satan along with the other angels there was a RIFT in heaven, but not the END ALL for Lucifer/Satan that came later... so God created the earth AND man BEFORE or after this end all WAR???? not sure... I can’t see where this is clearly stated... so could God when creating man for HIS PLEASURE and in in part of God’s pleasure to create us in His image he also created us so we can enjoy God... and that too gave/gives God pleasure (feels better to give than to receive)... for we have pleasure in knowing God as MAN and will again later in the coming Kingdom... anyway, back to the “theory”... so Satan was given this dominion on this earth but WHEN and WHY??? if things got BAD in heaven 100% BEFORE the earth and man was created, then WHY is Satan even allowed NEAR us if nothing more than to glorify God in almost like a movie script??? which still simply could be the deal, which is FINE... OR or or or, the popular guess would be that Satan was allowed in, so Christ/God could SEE who choses Christ/God and who doesn’t... sort of like the movie KISSING A FOOL... the character played by the actor David Schwimmer (Friends) isn’t sure if he’s ready to be married so he sets his BFF in a position to TEMPT his fiancé’ to see how TRUE she would be... but Schwimmer’s character is THE FOOL that the title of the movie is named after.......... and God is NO FOOL... so if God did then, then it is GOOD... but did God do this??? we’re not sure~ so what then??? and WHY??? (theory) now we know (if you do your research) that Satan has shared MANY MANY MANY secrets with those that join his side of things... (think secret societies) or should I say those that are DUPED into believing his side of things... and BTW, it’s easy to do if you let it... anyway~ so WHY? HOW??? etc... so perhaps (maybe/theory) Lucifer was already awarded this earth on some levels before the COMPLETE FALL from heaven he earned (by wanting to be God, the boss, the leader, the everything) and so PERHAPS what happened in the Garden of Eden was the straw that broke the camel’s back??? notice the first we see of Satan in >>>>>Genesis 3 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 05:54:58 +0000

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