at the dawn of today, the 7th of December. I wriggled my feeble - TopicsExpress


at the dawn of today, the 7th of December. I wriggled my feeble face as if it would wipe sleep out from my dim eyes. I reluctantly began a nearly absent minded morning devotion with my roommates. reading deep into the praises we sang, it occurred to me that we have formed almost an order of our worship, first was the good morning Jesus, followed by we are saying thank u Jesus, and so on. after this short term procession, I asked one of my roommate which happened to be a 300level student in Marketing the church we would attend and he affirmed that he is a catholic and he further invited me to worship with him! what would I lose? I said to myself and immediately I ironed my shirt, polished my shoes and within minutes, we were already dressed for service. the church auditorium was located outside the school premises but the distance isnt much so we walked. on getting there, I saw the pinnacle and the cross perfectly standing tall amongst other buildings in the vicinity. inside the gate of the church, I saw many paintings including that of Jesus Christ, Mary, some Disciples and surprisingly I saw the VENN DIAGRAM! what could the venn diagram be doing engraved on the walls of a church, as I continue to ponder on this, I took a closer look and I found it actually depicts the Trinity of God. at the entrance of the building, we were ushered in by a lady dressed modestly. I took a seat; my roommate sat close to me, shortly afterwards, a girl came in and sat next to me. she was dark in complexion and have the eyes of an eagle. the church was a large hall with a nicely decorated wooden ceiling boards and the lights were hung with chains, the pulpit contained men and ladies whom I quickly assumed to be the deciding body of the Church. the choir was a group of teenage boys and girls who recited the the songs in a professional way that baffled my imagination, the drummers and instrumentalists were not bad at all. we stood and sat, knelt and prayed, most times I had to watch the congregation recite rosaries only to wait for the echo of Amen. inasmuch as I try to understand what the preacher is saying, the young girl beside me had already mastered the words of the Rev Father and was speaking in consonance with him. at last my prayers were answered, the church finally came to a halt. its time to go and give way for the next group of worshippers. although I couldnt get a bit of the sermon, it was indeed a wonderful day.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 10:48:59 +0000

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